Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms

Rhapsody.Audio- Listening Rooms (RLRs)

Rhapsody.Audio would like to announce that within the next 3-4 months there will be multiple new locations where several of the product lines that Rhapsody.Audio represents will be available to audition via Rhapsody.Audio Listening Rooms (RLRs).

Initially, the RLR’s will have the products available for demonstration mentioned below. Upon opening, the DFW RLR will have a very similar product offering as that available at Rhapsody.Audio in Manhattan.

Over time, all locations will be expanding their portfolio to a comparable scale as that of NYC/DFW.

The RLRs will be available to host auditions by appointment. All product ordering and delivery logistics will be processed and supported from the Rhapsody.Audio NYC location.

Product assistance and installation will be supported by Rhapsody.Audio NYC along with the RLRs depending on customer location.

The RLR locations are:

Portland - Rhapsody.Audio RLR

Products available to audition (coming soon)




-Bayz Audio

Dallas/Fort Worth Rhapsody.Audio DFW

Products available to audition:



-Bayz Audio




-Taiko Audio


West Palm Beach & Miami (2 Florida locations) Rhapsody.Audio WPB/Miami

West Palm Beach will open initially. Miami will follow when the RLR is ready to host customers.

Products available to audition (initially):





Chicago, IL Rhapsody.Audio Chicago

Products available to audition (initially):





Long Island, NY Rhapsody.Audio Long Island



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Someone in NY is very happy today! :)
Oh I am very happy indeed. Lucky to be the owner of these m2’s - as always, Bob was great to work with and the install couldn’t have gone smoother. As for the speaker itself…it is really special. For my preferences, room, and upstream gear, I don’t think I could have found a better speaker. I’ll do a full write up once I spend more time with it.
Oh I am very happy indeed. Lucky to be the owner of these m2’s - as always, Bob was great to work with and the install couldn’t have gone smoother. As for the speaker itself…it is really special. For my preferences, room, and upstream gear, I don’t think I could have found a better speaker. I’ll do a full write up once I spend more time with it.
Great to hear !!! What other equipment do you have piloting the M2s?
I'm using a Taiko Extreme -> Rockna Wavedream Signature -> Soulution 721 pre -> Symphonic Line Kraft 300mk3 amp -> Magico M2
All wired with a full loom of TQ Silver Diamond and everything plugged into a torus avr (don't remember which one but its their largest non-wall mounted one). I have been using TAS+Tidal pretty much exclusively since it came out as the convenience is even better than finding my own tracks and digging through my collection.

Your system looks awesome! Those new msb monos have such nice case work - and I bet they sound even better than they look.
Pilium Leonidas "Black Beauty" arrives at Rhapsody.Audio in Brooklyn. Next week his big brothers Alexander dual chassis preamp and Achilles stereo amp will arrive. The only problem with my getting Pilium gear is that I can NEVER keep it. As soon as it arrives someone talks me out of keeping my demos....ugh:) Driving Magico S5II with all Odin2 cabling.

I am VERY proud to announce that the Rhapsody Listening Room - Portland (Bob West) is now live on the new Rhapsody.Audio site.

The updated site (thx Julian) now has five of the six Rhapsody.Audio locations across the US with linked pages. West Palm Beach will be live in the next 2-3 weeks.

All contact information (email/phone) are listed on each RLR page.

I should note that Bob has the Pilium Alexander/Achilles pre/amp combo as well as Alsyvox Botticelli X, Diesis Roma SE and Bayz Courantes.

Welcome Bob Vineyard aka Bob West to the Rhapsody.Audio RLR program. That's quite a room, that's all I can say!!!


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I am VERY proud to announce that the Rhapsody Listening Room - Portland (Bob West) is now live on the new Rhapsody.Audio site.

The updated site (thx Julian) now has five of the six Rhapsody.Audio locations across the US with linked pages. West Palm Beach will be live in the next 2-3 weeks.

All contact information (email/phone) are listed on each RLR page.

Welcome Bob Vineyard aka Bob West to the Rhapsody.Audio RLR program. That's quite a room, that's all I can say!!!
Congratulations guys. That is an excellent website full of information and great photography. I really like the navigation. I wish you both much success.
I am VERY proud to announce that the Rhapsody Listening Room - Portland (Bob West) is now live on the new Rhapsody.Audio site.

The updated site (thx Julian) now has five of the six Rhapsody.Audio locations across the US with linked pages. West Palm Beach will be live in the next 2-3 weeks.

All contact information (email/phone) are listed on each RLR page.

I should note that Bob has the Pilium Alexander/Achilles pre/amp combo as well as Alsyvox Botticelli X, Diesis Roma SE and Bayz Courantes.

Welcome Bob Vineyard aka Bob West to the Rhapsody.Audio RLR program. That's quite a room, that's all I can say!!!

Congratulations to both Bob's , this listening room looks really amazing. But I can't resist making a very personnel suggestion - why not moving the amplifier a bit sideways?


Great photo very crudely edited , my apologies!
Congratulations to both Bob's , this listening room looks really amazing. But I can't resist making a very personnel suggestion - why not moving the amplifier a bit sideways?

View attachment 83138

Great photo very crudely edited , my apologies!
1) it weighs 264 lbs, add the stand over 300 lbs. The amp isn’t going anywhere!
2) if I move to Hercules, one on each side.
3) my brain will never rest with the amp off center I will be the one who feels unbalanced.
4) power outlets are perfectly balanced to each side of the amp. 2 dedicated lines for the Achilles — a true dual mono design in a single chassis, requiring two power cables.
5) see #1
I would’ve thought the power cord length would be an issue since you have one on each side. Mono blocks would be great hidden behind the speakers just so that it’s less distracting from the view. Personally, I would rather not look at amplifiers, even ones with nice glowing tubes.
I am VERY proud to announce that the Rhapsody Listening Room - Portland (Bob West) is now live on the new Rhapsody.Audio site.

The updated site (thx Julian) now has five of the six Rhapsody.Audio locations across the US with linked pages. West Palm Beach will be live in the next 2-3 weeks.

All contact information (email/phone) are listed on each RLR page.

I should note that Bob has the Pilium Alexander/Achilles pre/amp combo as well as Alsyvox Botticelli X, Diesis Roma SE and Bayz Courantes.

Welcome Bob Vineyard aka Bob West to the Rhapsody.Audio RLR program. That's quite a room, that's all I can say!!!
Looks awesome Congratulations on it.
Bob, does the system sound better when the curtains are drawn or when they are open?
Hi Peter, I like the sound with the curtains open. And, in reality, they cover a fair portion of that entire wall even when open.

When Bonnie visited, she said she could work with the wall with the glass, basically she could acoustically model with one reflective surface. The rest of the room is "treated" essentially all the walls are BAD panels using a computer generated random pattern of various sized holes. My room thread "Wilson & ARC for me" described that build out including pictures of the guys drilling the wall panels on-site. Then the fabric we chose to cover the walls was sent to Bonnie for testing so it would be incorporated into her algorithm. I'm sure our rooms sound very different—mine is certainly more 'damped' than yours. Folks will form their own opinions, but those who've visited generally agree its the best room they've heard. (I can't speak to the size of their sample set!)

Back to the curtains... these, and those in the rear, contains Lumitex acoustic fabric. (http://www.soundsense.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Lumitex®.pdf) The front wall curtains contain a single layer, those in the rear 3 layers. The folds in the fabric provide some diffusion and some absorption. Drawn across the glass, the room/sound loses sparkle. There are also some translucent Hunter Douglas honeycomb blinds that can drop in front of the windows. If the outside is really bright summer sun, sometimes the contrast vs. inside is too much for my eyes. These are essentially plastic film, honeycombed, and reduce the glare. They seem to have minimal effect acoustically. But... that is a rare day I am in the music room middle of a bright sunny day.

It is a beautiful room and I remember your room construction thread which I read with much interest. The colors are very calming in my opinion it seems like a very comfortable space in which to sit and enjoy the music and your wine selection.
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