Rogue One - A Star Wars Story


I will certainly go see this movie.. Current technology however seems to be more advanced than some Sci-fi movies techs ... with self-driving cars and drones being everyday fares, I have some problems connecting to the need for fist fights and light-sabers to save the Universe ...
Maybe they just liked doing things for themselves a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away :D
Well, the reviews are starting to come in, and like any franchise that's been stretched beyond the limits of its original (and hugely satisfying) character arc (IV - VI) into a spin-off of lesser characters, they're pretty tepid.

I do like Gareth Edwards (I thought Monsters was great), but my hopes for something that recaptures the bravado of Episode V are tempered in knowing Disney wants highly creative and unconventional helmers to make thoroughly safe and wholly conventional films (see VII). For a film that takes place in a galaxy far, far away, surprisingly, there's only two family lines who matter and only one narrative worth exploring - the same one we got in IV - VI.

And yet...

I bought two tickets today for Europe's biggest theatre (2800 people) with a screen of 300m/2 (82ft wide and 37ft high). And y'know what? I can't wait.
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Well, the reviews are starting to come in, and like any franchise that's been stretched beyond the limits of its original (and hugely satisfying) character arc (IV - VI) into a spin-off of lesser characters, they're pretty tepid.

I do like Gareth Edwards (I thought Monsters was great), but my hopes for something that recaptures the bravado of Episode V are tempered in knowing Disney wants highly creative and unconventional helmers to make thoroughly safe and wholly conventional films (see VII). For a film that takes place in a galaxy far, far away, surprisingly, there's only two family lines who matter and only one narrative worth exploring - the same one we got in IV - VI.

And yet...

I bought two tickets today for Europe's biggest theatre (2800 people) with a screen of 300m/2 (82ft wide and 37ft high). And y'know what? I can't wait.

I am soooo with you . I am a big Sci_Fi fan and will go see Arrival at the best theater I can this week ... then .. of course I will go Star Wars in a good theater too and I will complain it is tepid, vapid, derivative, unimaginative and yet wait for Rogue 2 up to "Rogue n" until it gets to a point where no one wants to see Star Wars since Real Aliens would have visited us... :)

By the way anybody has seen a movie called "Paul"? A riot! A funny, need to see Sci-Fi...
... I bought two tickets today for Europe's biggest theatre (2800 people) with a screen of 300m/2 (82ft wide and 37ft high). And y'know what? I can't wait.

2D or 3D?

... By the way anybody has seen a movie called "Paul"? A riot! A funny, need to see Sci-Fi...

I have the Blu (2011 flick):


Not bad, it has its funny moments...I'd rate it 65 if I was asked to. ...Which passes the grade for a recommended viewing.
Well, the reviews are starting to come in, and like any franchise that's been stretched beyond the limits of its original (and hugely satisfying) character arc (IV - VI) into a spin-off of lesser characters, they're pretty tepid.

I do like Gareth Edwards (I thought Monsters was great), but my hopes for something that recaptures the bravado of Episode V are tempered in knowing Disney wants highly creative and unconventional helmers to make thoroughly safe and wholly conventional films (see VII). For a film that takes place in a galaxy far, far away, surprisingly, there's only two family lines who matter and only one narrative worth exploring - the same one we got in IV - VI.

And yet...

I bought two tickets today for Europe's biggest theatre (2800 people) with a screen of 300m/2 (82ft wide and 37ft high). And y'know what? I can't wait.

If I hear from friends its better than Force Awakens, I'm in.

I thought FA was pretty weak honestly. Have had no desire to rewatch.
FA was ok. But honestly they could have done so much better.

One of the biggest problems is changing canon in the Star Wars universe. If they wouldn't have done that we'd have complex interesting movies.
If I hear from friends its better than Force Awakens, I'm in.

I thought FA was pretty weak honestly. Have had no desire to rewatch.

The Force Awakens didn't have stamina.

FA was ok. But honestly they could have done so much better.

One of the biggest problems is changing canon in the Star Wars universe. If they wouldn't have done that we'd have complex interesting movies.

Its redemption is the 3D version; now that's the way to see it. It's a totally new higher immersion level.

Go 3D or go blind! :b
I am soooo with you . I am a big Sci_Fi fan and will go see Arrival at the best theater I can this week ... then .. of course I will go Star Wars in a good theater too and I will complain it is tepid, vapid, derivative, unimaginative and yet wait for Rogue 2 up to "Rogue n" until it gets to a point where no one wants to see Star Wars since Real Aliens would have visited us... :)

Funny, Frantz. Yep, I thought VII was exactly all those things, but I still went, and what's more I've rewatched it a couple of times since. So I go into Rogue One knowing that the chances of an Episode V are unlikely, but hey... James Earl Jones voicing Darth Vader? I'm in.
2D or 3D?


I'm taking my eldest child, so it's more about going all in for the full experience on the biggest screen with the largest number of people of possible. I bet there'll be a frenzied, hysterical shriek once the Franklin Gothic static blue text pops up. And I guarantee I'll be one of them screaming the loudest.
Just saw it. I was not disappointed. Another case of Critics disagreeing with the regular folks LOL This movie would be a good movie even without any Star Wars badging. For me the unsung hero here is the musical score.
3:30pm today for us!
Just saw it. I was not disappointed. Another case of Critics disagreeing with the regular folks LOL This movie would be a good movie even without any Star Wars badging. For me the unsung hero here is the musical score.

"Differences of opinions make the world go round" dixit a fiend I had in college... I saw "Rogue" yesterday. In my opinion the worst movies of the Star Wars pluri-logy :), a bad movie ... To make sure that I was in the minority, the assistance applauded at the end ...Oh Well... I will go see "Arrival " tonight ... again :)

P.S. The movie Theater has one hell of a sound system JBL-Based I believe and in the movie there is bass so low you only felt it ...and ... the need to evacuate either the premises or ... something :b ... I mean low, loud you can simply feel while "hearing" nothing ... Sound-wise one of the best movies I have heard :D.. On that I have a renewed respect for what some Pro systems can do. Dialog was clear with all the nuances and voice inflexion preserved ... without the overall level being loud, no loudness war there... Score was clear and impressively dynamic... Bass ... People!! They have several wavelength on us when it comes to the reproduction of bass that feels real ... It is a tendency from some audiophiles to dismiss bass in Theaters as for explosion only ... Spewed with condescension .. Well in that Theater (AMC Aventura in FL) the bass never intruded on the overall score. It simply sustained it when there was a need.. when it had to disappear,it just did only to reappear (on cue) with literally visceral power and effectiveness.

How to evaluate this film? As a fan whose first ever film seen at the cinema was Episode IV: A New Hope? As a father of a child whose favourite film is Episode VII? As a film-lover whose favourite Star Wars films is Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back? As a Gen X-er who hated everything about The Force Awakens, and finds the spin-offs, prequels and story/character dynamics stretched to their limits?

The original trilogy is still my preferred watch. They were corny, operatic in the worst sense of the word, had risible dialogue, and brought out the worst in Lucas as a writer and director, but considering no-one ever thought a space opera could ever be entertaining - let alone culturally significant - they had electric chemistry between the leads, incredible visual design and art direction, one of the most devastating third-act twists ever and gave us characters that still stand the test of time.

The prequels - I-III were brilliantly conceived and horribly executed. Trade federation stand-offs, Machiavellian politicking and the empowerment of evil through democracy can make for a great film in the right hands, but in Lucas’s it was bland, boring and banal. There were occasional flourishes of inspired filmmaking (the final battle between Obi Wan and Anakin, some palpable world-creation, Darth Maul), but at best they were underwhelming and at worst downright cringeworthy.

I’ve already said all I want to say about The Force Awakens, so I won’t rehash it here except to say JJ Abrams played it too safe and no-one asked for A New Hope to be remade down to the exact same story beats.


Of all the directors to have taken the helm of a Star Wars film, Gareth Edwards had some of the most promise. He’s forged his own path toward gritty, realistic renderings of our worst fears made epically big. And although the results were mixed, there was none of the really obvious Speilbergian/Lucas-type tropes that JJ Abrams has made his staple.

And really, the best things about Rogue One are the best things about Edwards. Incredible rendering of scale, richly immersive visual design and art direction, brilliant use of foreground/middle-ground/background (big shout out to Grieg Fraser who’s made the best looking Star Wars since Epsiode V) and a sombre tone more befitting a movie for adults/teens than the infantile sensibilities of Lucas (the Ewoks/Jar Jar) and Abrams (BB8, Maz Kanata, the emergence of C-3PO and R2-D2). I’ve seen a few films shot on the Alexa 65 now and whether it’s Edwards’ composition and framing, or simply Fraser’s ability to light a scene, there were honestly some shots that gave me goosebumps (the opening scenes, an Imperial Star Destroyer hovering above Jedha, Darth Vader’s appearance at his castle on Mustafar). There’s precious little character development, but some of the secondary characters are great (K-2SO, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe).


They go nowhere. That’s not all that surprising given when this particular film takes place in the scheme of things, but the story is an exercise in screenwriting to fit a pre-existing set of events that have already taken place (and of which we know the ending), so we’re left with a sense of inevitability that no amount of story wrangling can overcome. For a film all about a rebellion rising up and playing a key part in history, there’s little tension and zero surprise. Edwards’ - for all the things that make me want to watch whatever he does next - can’t overcome a screenplay that gives us characters who are ultimately disposable, because history already decided their fate 40 years ago. The dialogue is flat, the beats predictable and there’s still too much stuff happening on gangplanks above architectural drops into a void. There’s also two mostly CGI character’s bought back from 1977 and they look horrible. Cast another actor, shoot over their shoulder, hint at their presence but please don’t make them look like characters out of a first person shooter. It nearly tanks the film.

And yet…

For me, the best thing about Rogue One is Vader. While Lucas made him conflicted in IV-VI, and petulant and unlikable in I-III, in this he’s full of menace, brutality, and wielding his internal and external pain in visceral fashion. We finally… finally, after six films and forty years see one of the most iconic villains ever show us what evil looks like when freed from the need to be empathetic and ultimately redemptive. Rogue One is hampered by the legacy of both Lucas and Disney, laboured with a boring, predictable storyline, characters who don't really matter and the appearance of two characters who did who’ve been given the worst digital makeovers possible. But the reason I’ll re-watch Rogue One is for the epic shots of the Death Star, Imperial Walkers and Star Destroyers dwarfing Tie Fighters and X-Wings and for watching Vader finally be the badass we all knew he could be.
As a new twist in the Star Wars saga from Disney 2016. Add 3D to it, or add UHD, HDR, and new audio technology from 2016, plus special effects from 2016.
As a financial investment from Disney studios when they purchased the Star Wars rights from Lucas for $4 billion and some.

Back in 1977 it was a blast (Episode IV), with the 'lightsabers'. Thirty-nine years later it's a movie series money machine..from FOX/Lucas to Disney's deal.
The essential question, to me, is...are you entertained?

I think that for each Star Wars fan it has its own twist...'Rogue One'.

I've yet to see it, but from what I've read it should be entertaining in 3D. Perhaps not to the level expected by everyone, but to the level of money it's making @ the box office, and also from the average high ratings, to your own entertainment level?

For visual immersion The Force Awakens (Episode VII) in 3D is the only way to view it; in 2D I wasn't impressed, I was bored often.
The three original ones? The second was the best (Episode V). The original (Episode IV) was fresh, the third (Episode VI) was boring.
The three prequels? The third was my favorite (Episode III), and couple scenes from the first (Episode I) and second (Episode II).

Dialog in all of them? Wow, not my intellectual type...kid's stuff from the master himself...George Lucas.
Are Star Wars series intelligent sci-fi flicks? No. They're for fun, for diversion @ the movies.
It's a cult for disguises @ Halloween and selling Star Wars plastic products.
It's party time for the fans who gather together @ conventions in their favorite Star Wars outfits. It's childish cartoon characters with dialog to match.
...Aliens from far away galaxies.

Did you like the 3D effects in Rogue One?
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Just saw it. I was not disappointed. Another case of Critics disagreeing with the regular folks LOL This movie would be a good movie even without any Star Wars badging. For me the unsung hero here is the musical score.

Critics didn't like it? Really????????????????????????????????/

I just saw it and that it was absolutely awesome!

Only complaints. One scene Vader walks to fast, and at the beginning portion of the movie they rub you with the soundtrack a little too much.

It had some common tools used in the film world, but they were done with great taste.

Jack I think we connect on a geek level with this stuff.
I saw the original Star Wars in theaters in 1977 when I was 11 years old. Saw it in theaters a dozen more times that year. Don't know how many times since. Some Star Wars movies has obviously been better than others, but there hasn't been a single one I haven't enjoyed. And Rogue One is no exception. Enjoyed it immensely. Very cool to get this little slice of Star Wars history, and lots of things tolike about it, IMO. I won't post any spoilers, but I certainly recommend seeing it to anyone who is a fan of the series.
They go nowhere. That’s not all that surprising given when this particular film takes place in the scheme of things, but the story is an exercise in screenwriting to fit a pre-existing set of events that have already taken place (and of which we know the ending), so we’re left with a sense of inevitability that no amount of story wrangling can overcome. For a film all about a rebellion rising up and playing a key part in history, there’s little tension and zero surprise. Edwards’ - for all the things that make me want to watch whatever he does next - can’t overcome a screenplay that gives us characters who are ultimately disposable, because history already decided their fate 40 years ago. The dialogue is flat, the beats predictable and there’s still too much stuff happening on gangplanks above architectural drops into a void. There’s also two mostly CGI character’s bought back from 1977 and they look horrible. Cast another actor, shoot over their shoulder, hint at their presence but please don’t make them look like characters out of a first person shooter. It nearly tanks the film.

I'm sorry but I disagree with pretty much everything. Knowing where a story goes is fine with me, the desires for twists and turns that are truly shocking in surprise isn't something I need. Most of the time it's so unbelievable it's boring. Just... who cares. It's not like when I was a kid I needed my parents to tell me a story only if the ending was a surprise, it was the experience that made it worth it. The difference between a good and bad story teller.

The theaters you were in must have had bad power. The two CGI characters looked surprisingly good I thought. I imagine on a high quality home setup with power conditioning they might look better. Yes I'd like it if they were impervious to criticism but they didn't look half as bad as you're suggesting when I saw it.

*Spoiler* (highlight to read, below)

I have to agree about Vader. It made my day when he went through though soldiers like a Darth-Rape-Train-Express. Damn that was cool. He's a scary motherfucker, and it's awesome to see that. Palpatine tried to hold him back by making him more dependent on the suit, and less mobile than possible. And yet it somehow fueled his darkside with more pain and turned him into a monster that did amazing things (in the EU, which is canon until the movies switch it, for me; especially since they take a lot from it for everything). He wasn't defeated by Luke, or Palps, he lost his power when he turned away from the dark side so his body couldn't maintain itself.
"Differences of opinions make the world go round" dixit a fiend I had in college... I saw "Rogue" yesterday. In my opinion the worst movies of the Star Wars pluri-logy :), a bad movie ... To make sure that I was in the minority, the assistance applauded at the end ...Oh Well... I will go see "Arrival " tonight ... again :)

P.S. The movie Theater has one hell of a sound system JBL-Based I believe and in the movie there is bass so low you only felt it ...and ... the need to evacuate either the premises or ... something :b ... I mean low, loud you can simply feel while "hearing" nothing ... Sound-wise one of the best movies I have heard :D.. On that I have a renewed respect for what some Pro systems can do. Dialog was clear with all the nuances and voice inflexion preserved ... without the overall level being loud, no loudness war there... Score was clear and impressively dynamic... Bass ... People!! They have several wavelength on us when it comes to the reproduction of bass that feels real ... It is a tendency from some audiophiles to dismiss bass in Theaters as for explosion only ... Spewed with condescension .. Well in that Theater (AMC Aventura in FL) the bass never intruded on the overall score. It simply sustained it when there was a need.. when it had to disappear,it just did only to reappear (on cue) with literally visceral power and effectiveness.
Saw it Sunday dead center 40% from the bottom of the screen, while lounging in an AMC recliner and one of the best sound system performances I have heard in a long time, if ever.

Incredible special effects, endless action, very good use of music, okay story, but if it was merely an action movie and not linked to Star Wars, it would be worthwhile.

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