Rogue One - A Star Wars Story

Critics didn't like it? Really????????????????????????????????/

I just saw it and that it was absolutely awesome!

Only complaints. One scene Vader walks to fast, and at the beginning portion of the movie they rub you with the soundtrack a little too much.

It had some common tools used in the film world, but they were done with great taste.

Jack I think we connect on a geek level with this stuff.

Yeah I think so too :D

I was 7 when I first saw Star Wars A New Hope. Like almost everybody else I watched it so many times I memorized the dialogue. I don't think it is possible for any film to get the same reaction from a person who has simply grown up and now sees the world so differently. For me, it becomes a case of mismanaged expectations. It appears that for many, this has become the case. I always hear or read about how great the original trilogy was, and they were BUT when I watched them again many years later with my own son, also 7 years old 32 years later, he was enthralled and all I saw was how hokey so much of the trilogy was. It became very clear that Lucas had an outline but was pretty much making things up as he went along. If there is one thing that makes me give Rogue One an excellent grade, it's that 3 days later, my son (now 9) goes up to me and says "Dad, I'm still sad". Character development may not have been up to the standards of the best movies ever but it was enough to make a young boy feel for the protagonists, enough for a young boy to get a glimpse of what sacrifice is about. If anything, IMO this movie raises the bar for Episode VIII more than Episode VII. It actually made Episode VII look bad in many ways.

With somewhat of a clean slate, JJ got the look down but went way too copycat. It was a case of just ratcheting up the original. Rogue One tells a story whose ending we supposedly know but in hindsight did we really? To be fair, JJ needed to address continuity with the prior films. The real clean slate is Episode VIII. They have a tough decision to make. Do we see the completion of Luke's story or do we get a hand off to Rey and Finn? The latter would be copycat city all the way, the former, we see the possibility of an epic face off between the last Master Jedi and the last Sith Lord with neither taking a knee. Rogue One felt fresh, Episode VIII should too.
I'm a bit surprised. The very first reviews were predominantly negative.

It's not all "pink" with everyone. Some movie critics just gave it a borderline (65) passing grade.

Metascore (65):
- Highest score ? (out of 100) = 100
- Lowest score = 25
- Average (Metascore) = 65 (based on 51 critic reviews)

User Score (7.8):
- Highest score (out of 10) = 10
- Lowest score = 0
- Average (user score) = 7.8 (based on 260 user reviews)
Last edited:
I'm sorry but I disagree with pretty much everything. Knowing where a story goes is fine with me, the desires for twists and turns that are truly shocking in surprise isn't something I need. Most of the time it's so unbelievable it's boring. Just... who cares. It's not like when I was a kid I needed my parents to tell me a story only if the ending was a surprise, it was the experience that made it worth it. The difference between a good and bad story teller.

The theaters you were in must have had bad power. The two CGI characters looked surprisingly good I thought. I imagine on a high quality home setup with power conditioning they might look better. Yes I'd like it if they were impervious to criticism but they didn't look half as bad as you're suggesting when I saw it.

*Spoiler* (highlight to read, below)

Don’t be sorry, Folsom - it’s Star Wars! We’re gonna get a little emotional about this stuff because in a weird sort of way, it feels like it matters.

And I agree it’s not so much whether we know how the story plays out (most follow a conventional arc anyway), but rather whether along the way there’s anything at stake. My problem with every Marvel and DC film is that there’s nothing at stake. Does anyone go into a Marvel or DC Comics film fearing for any of the protagonists safety? Are we ever given a reason to wonder if they’ll make it out of this one alive? Does anyone really believe Superman died at the end of Batman v Superman? Is there any villain or any deadly weapon for which we should be afraid of? No. We know they’re all signed up for multiple picture deals and keeping them alive until the next instalment means we never need fear for the characters - we never need empathise with their plight - because putting a character in true jeopardy matters less than spinning off another instalment that’s already in preproduction before post is finished on the current one.

So instead of creating a story that deviates from expectations or characters we could really invest in - really care about and empathise with and fear for and hope there’s another way out - we’re given plot points and pawns designed to fill the space between Episode III and IV, and that’s it. For a band of rebels who give their lives for the greater good, playing a pivotal part in the Start Wars timeline, their sacrifice didn’t feel significant. Were we supposed to care about them? Were we supposed to worry they might die or lament their passing? No, because Star Wars already has its new heroes in Rey and Finn and Poe. They’re the ones we’re supposed to invest in and root for and go watch again. The only character we got to invest in - primarily because the characters around him did (and because he had some great dialogue) - was K-2SO, and he’s an android.

They could have given us a film in which the characters mattered, or created a storyline in which our expectations were exceeded and/or confounded. They didn’t, and for all the things I loved about the way the film looked and sounded and Vader being brutal and visceral and raw the need for a satisfying story and characters who were more than just expedient plot advancers still matters more. At least, it does to me.

As to the two CGI characters, I did see it in 3D, so it’s possible the 2D version might make them look less weird. I’ll watch it again when it’s released for home viewing and see whether they fare any better then.

But hey…! Star Wars released another film and I liked it a whole lot more than I-III and VII. Rian Johnson gets his shot next, and who knows, we might get a film that makes the most of the universe under Disney’s control. Or we may not. Either way, you can be guaranteed I’ll be lining outside the theatre in the cold to go see it. Only 360 days to go!

P.S. Nice spoiler conceal with the white text. I'm impressed.
Well I like what I like... I don't really have reservations for whom I'm suppose to be invested in. And actually in the case of this movie I couldn't he happier that we skipped heavy character development... I'm attached to the story, not them.

Marvel does have that problem... at least they're not into overcoming odds that are blitheringly insane like the X-men crap.
Average score from me; I liked the CGI characters, I liked how they tied things together, but this was an action movie, not Star Wars in its truest sense, with all the art, the unexpected events, the nail-biting suspense... Especially the artistic aspect of it (and I am not talking about colors). A huge disappointment was the typical opening scene, if you know what I mean - that set the tone for me.
I am shocked that no one on this forum (THIS FORUM!) has mentioned the biggest issue with the movie: the shitty music. The lack of Williams' Wagnerian score makes this movie a huge miss for me and everyone I saw it with.
I am shocked that no one on this forum (THIS FORUM!) has mentioned the biggest issue with the movie: the shitty music. The lack of Williams' Wagnerian score makes this movie a huge miss for me and everyone I saw it with.

Actually there are several reviews noting how good the soundtrack is. Everyone has a different take.
Well I like what I like... I don't really have reservations for whom I'm suppose to be invested in. And actually in the case of this movie I couldn't he happier that we skipped heavy character development... I'm attached to the story, not them.

Marvel does have that problem... at least they're not into overcoming odds that are blitheringly insane like the X-men crap.

Don't get me started on X-Men...! Ugh.

The thing is, I always thought Star Wars was the most cliched story out there. It was actually the worlds/art direction and a few of the characters who inhabited it - particularly Han, Leia and Vader - that kept me watching.
Test only ...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
? doesn't work.

A "spoiler" feature is great for movie discussions. That was clever to use white color; then you quote the post to read what was hiding. :cool:

Another way to have a spoiler is this (only click on it if you have seen the movie, or you don't mind reading more than you should :b ): Spoiler
I am shocked that no one on this forum (THIS FORUM!) has mentioned the biggest issue with the movie: the shitty music. The lack of Williams' Wagnerian score makes this movie a huge miss for me and everyone I saw it with.

That's funny, I was totally happy with the fresh score.

In fact, I felt it was the best Star Wars since Empire. How bout that? If anything this movie showed how awful Force Awakens was.
That's funny, I was totally happy with the fresh score.

In fact, I felt it was the best Star Wars since Empire. How bout that? If anything this movie showed how awful Force Awakens was.

Same here. That's not to say that John Williams couldn't have done it much better had he not had scheduling conflicts but I feel Giachino (more known for his work on Pixar films like UP) did a pretty good job in a very short amount of time. He throws in a lot of Morricone like flourishes for the character themes.

It appears the reshoots were very successful. The trailers suggested a very different ending. The ending that we ended up with I think is perfect.
The trailer made it look like a feminist money-grab. And it wasn't, at all. That or at least it seemed too much like a Hunger Games deal, FEMALE ACTION LEAD on repeat, no one else matters... But it wasn't that either! It was just really good.

That actually annoys me, money-grab style movies (two coming out/out right now).
We just saw Rogue One, and we both thought it was pretty good. It did not have that light-heartedness that I think I liked in the first Star Wars and in The Empire Strikes Back.

I think I liked it more than The Force Awakens.
..saw Rogue One at IMAX yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. We found it more intense than any of the other releases...perhaps the best one yet IMO..
..saw Rogue One at IMAX yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. We found it more intense than any of the other releases...perhaps the best one yet IMO.. an aside we rarely go to the movie theater let alone IMAX and I have a question. Was it my imagination or do they routinely crank the volume to virtually unlistenable levels during the previews or was it a vagary of this particular theater? We literally had to cup our ears...and the bass was really awful..

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