I received 2 Sablon Ethernet 2020 60cm (= 2feet) 2 weeks ago, and I am completely amazed:

On my system they are incredible and surpass everything I've listened to so far.

The burning is quite painful and alternates between moments of happiness and total disappointment (between 90h and 138h I had to turn off the amp!).
At about 150h the sound is already very good and has nothing to do with what you heard before, a new level is reached... There you notice that you're dealing with very, very high quality cable. (It reminds me a bit of the Vertere Pulse HB, except that I find the Sablon more natural, more musical) Well I'm not saying that the Vertere is less good, because when I tried it I didn't have exactly this configuration and I didn't wait 300 hours, but at the time and for its price it lacked this little natural side, imho.

Back at the Sablon, later listening carefully and being a bit greedy, it still seemed to lack a little bit of flesh on the bone and why not a little pinch of naturalness. You'd think that's already quite a good deal it's giving for the price.
Well don't move the boat, from 220 h, everything is there. The natural side it was missing is there, the fat on the bone too!

Name of Zeus, this cable has zero default. It is simply fantastic!
I still find it hard to believe that it's those 2 small pieces of cable that do all this work on my system.

I really wonder if I should not try the whole Sablon range now...