Sablon spdif / aes

Just to chime in quickly...I generously received from Mark demo Spdif cable with Bocchino plugs to connect LDMS spfid out with my Lampizator Horizon. Did not need much time to realize that this cable is what I wanted to have as it is neutral, very transparent and I would say conveys all the emotions within the music which is of the outmost importance for me. With this cable in the chain spdif became my favorite connection between the server and DAC.
Way to go Mark and many thanks!
Some gratifying feedback from @svenjosh ’s audition of my demo digital cables.

I recently purchased the Grimm Mu1 as my streamer. I got a chance to evaluate a few AES cables and want to share my experience. I posted this in Audiogon and after Mark from Sablon saw the thread, requested if I could share this in wbf.

I am going to gloss over the general question of whether cables make a difference or whether digital cables make a difference. I believe they make a big di in the sound. I am always careful in choosing my components, and unless something makes a tangible improvement in sound, I will never pay for something. If something makes an improvement, I do evaluate if it’s worth the asking price, and only then do I purchase anything. So it’s up to you to decide if something is worth the price that you pay for. Also, please note that, these findings apply to my system in my room and may not translate into the same findings in your system.

Now let’s go into what I heard in my system. I had the following cables. The Mogami cable, Shunyata Omega cable, Nordost Odin 2 cable and the Sablon cable. Unfortunately I was unable to obtain the Jorma design cable as I was unable to reach the cable company either through phone or email. I am not aware of any other dealer who carries it near me.

The biggest is difference between the basic Mogami and the rest of the cables. The difference is easy to discern in the bass. There is simply more texture, dimensionality, and clarity that is missing in bass with the Mogami cable. This is unfortunate as this is the cheapest cable. The rest of the cables are closer to each other. It takes a bit of back-and-forth of listening to discern the differences.

First up was the Shunyata cable. This is an excellent digital cable which is extremely natural sounding. Everything sounds clear with a nice sound stage. The sound stage extends beyond the speakers with a nice depth to it. There is a sense of fullness to the sound, more fleshed out, but in a very natural way. This is the first cable that I had for evaluation (this belongs to my friend). I will be very happy with this cable, if it were my only option. This cable retails for around 4.5 k.

Next step was the Nordost Odin 2 cable. I understand that there is a significant jump in price as this cable retails for over 12 K. The difference between the Shunyata and the Odin 2 cable is more subtle. The primary difference is in the sound stage. The sound extends well beyond the speakers and front to depth soundstage is significantly increased compared to Shunyata. There is also more detail and air at the top end. There is slightly more dynamics with the Odin 2 cable on back-and-forth listening. Please note, these differences are not in your face but subtle. Whether this is worth the price difference is something only you can decide.

The last cable that I had was the Sablon cable. The other cables measured 1.5 m but the Sablon was 1 m. I could not test if the length of cable makes a difference as I did not have the same cable in different lengths.

The Sablon cable brings a lot of nuance to the entire spectrum of sound. The bass is taut and has a lot of finesse. String instruments reveal a good amount of inner detail, whether it’s plucking or bowing. Percussion sounds realistic. It nicely brings out the textures and extremely accurate with regards to tone and timbre. The mid range is extremely clear and well presented, which is one of the strengths of this cable. The top end is clean and extremely accurate. It has an uncanny ability to make the softest sounds really fleshed out and clear. If are a Pink Floyd fan “Hello Colonel, how are you tonight” never sounded this clear, it’s like you are on shrooms.

This is how I would compare the Shunyata, Nordsost and Sablon. The system plays a huge role in laying out the differences. The bass is similar in all the three cables, they go deep, feel taut and have a lot of textures. It’s the midrange and highs that sound different. Nordstrom has a very neutral and sweet presentation that is very inviting. It sizzles in the top end and has superb dynamics. The other two cables cannot touch the Nordost in the highs. The Sablon shines in the midrange. It has one of the most accurate midrange sound and sounds really organic. The nordost is close but Sablon wins the midrange. So what did I choose? The sizzling dynamic Nordost or the realistic sounding Sablon?

I always believed that the highs are most important for sounding live and the feeling of being there. But Sablon changed my opinion, it’s the midrange that gives the sensation of live music. The Sablon made the music sound more alive than other 2 cables. The difference with Nordost is subtle but definite. The other important thing for me was tone and timbre. The Sablon again wins this. Of course the price is the icing on the cake. I personally play violin. I value tone and timbre (reason for the choice of my speakers) as the most important attribute. The midrange is amazing and live sounding. So I have decided to buy the Sablon. Of course, in your system and for your ears, the outcome may not be the same. My recommendation is to try before you buy especially considering the price of the these cables.
Just wanted to give my two cents here for Mark and the Sablon Audio AES cable.

Normally, I am very long winded, but I share many of the sentiments that were already shared with other users…long story short, I purchased a new AES/EBU cable after Mark being so gracious to send both the SPDIF and AES cables for an in home demo.

Similarly I have a MU1 and Mola Mola Tambaqui and after careful consideration of both…(the tambaqui makes it so easy to switch back and forth), I chose the AES cable. Very lively, and just a sense of better spacing in between the instruments with a wider soundstage. There is also an increase in transparency so there the tone from 500hz-1k was a bit cleaner with a natural immediacy in the vocal ranges….and, in my system, my ears always seemed to perk up with AES over SPDIF, so I found myself easily connecting to the music.

One thing being that the cables are just standout performers, but Mark is incredibly responsive…(does this dude sleep?!). Extremely pleased with the entire experience….thanks Mark!

Oh and btw, those power cables - holy smokes!! LOL!
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Just wanted to give my two cents here for Mark and the Sablon Audio AES cable.

Normally, I am very long winded, but I share many of the sentiments that were already shared with other users…long story short, I purchased a new AES/EBU cable after Mark being so gracious to send both the SPDIF and AES cables for an in home demo.

Similarly I have a MU1 and Mola Mola Tambaqui and after careful consideration of both…(the tambaqui makes it so easy to switch back and forth), I chose the AES cable. Very lively, and just a sense of better spacing in between the instruments with a wider soundstage. There is also an increase in transparency so there the tone from 500hz-1k was a bit cleaner with a natural immediacy in the vocal ranges….and, in my system, my ears always seemed to perk up with AES over SPDIF, so I found myself easily connecting to the music.

One thing being that the cables are just standout performers, but Mark is incredibly responsive…(does this dude sleep?!). Extremely pleased with the entire experience….thanks Mark!

Oh and btw, those power cables - holy smokes!! LOL!
Exactly the same here. The combination of the Grimm, Tambaqui and Mark's Sablon cables is simply spectacular. If you haven't done so allready, you simply must contact Mark to try a Sablon Prince power cable on the Tambaqui. The Tambaqui has a whole nother gear that you haven't heard yet. I know, it's hard to beieve, but it is 100% true.
Any MSB owner members there? I’m having an home audition of the Premier DAC with Premier Powerbase, my server streamer is the Innuos Statement (with the PhoenixNET switch).
If I decide to buy the MSB DAC I‘ll soon be on the market for a AES EBU XLR cable, to be used for connecting my PS Audio SACD transport to the Premier.
My experience with AQ products is suggesting to go for the WEL Signature (I had Dragon for PC and I2S). I also experienced the Pink Faun for Ethernet and USB connections, I’m liking more than AQ or Inakustic and Intona by far because of its natural and realistic sound, especially in mids and upper low frequencies.
On other Forums I read that MSB owners often like the Shunyata Omega AES EBU XLR, considering it the best choice.

I never had the opportunity to try a Sablon product before, this is the reason why I’m posting here my request. Did someone already use it with MSB DACs to share here some thought?

Another question for Mark, if I can. Never happened to produce on request DC cables specifically designed for MSB DACs, i mean the pair needed to feed the DACs by its own Powerbase?

Morning Luca, I can’t think offhand of any MSB owner using my aes however people don’t always tell me what equipment they use when placing an order. In general, I don’t have many msb owners as their chassis design (inset iec inlet and xlr outputs very close together) means that the bocchino iec / xlr plugs don’t fit.

Sorry but I don’t make bespoke umbilical cables, just simple dc ones. There simply isn’t enough enquiry / demand to justify and it is too time consuming to do on a one-off basis.
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Thanks Stefano,

Sean Jacob’s cables were on my list for Innuos Statement umbilicals upgrade, because they are well known partner of Innuos (designing power supplies) but hones I didn’t know they would produce also MSB compliant cable. Precious information, thanks a lot.
Which MSB DAC/Power Supply do you own? How the DC (umbilical) cables upgrade improved SQ in your experience? I suppose a lot for the Statement but I’m curious about MSB.

Did you also tried different AES/EBU XLR cables? I’m not interested about streamer/server connection (here I prefer USB path) but specifically about transport connection intended for CDs playing music.

Grazie mille per la dritta, in ogni caso.
Morning Luca, I can’t think offhand of any MSB owner using my aes however people don’t always tell me what equipment they use when placing an order. In general, I don’t have many msb owners as their chassis design (inset iec inlet and xlr outputs very close together) means that the bocchino iec / xlr plugs don’t fit.

Sorry but I don’t make bespoke umbilical cables, just simple dc ones. There simply isn’t enough enquiry / demand to justify and it is too time consuming to do on a one-off basis.
Hi Mark,

thank you for your prompt reply, your XLR AES/EBU EVO was on my list to be used between my MSB Premier (input with dedicated module) and PS Audio SACD Transport (output).
I would be glad to try it if a home audition is possible (and eventually to purchase it, of course) to find out if the connector works or not and how it sounds. At the moment I’m using an XLR AES/EBU Argento Audio cable, borrowed me from the MSB importer.

If you are sure that your XLR AES/EBU EVO with Bocchino doesn’t work with MSB inputs, no problem.

However thank you for your kind answer.
@luca.pelliccioli - the issue with the msb dacs relates to the xlr outputs being too close together for the oversized bocchino xlr plugs to comfortably fit alongside each other. There isn’t any problem I am aware of with the aes input. I have demo cables circulating in USA and am happy to put you down for an audition.
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@luca.pelliccioli - the issue with the msb dacs relates to the xlr outputs being too close together for the oversized bocchino xlr plugs to comfortably fit alongside each other. There isn’t any problem I am aware of with the aes input. I have demo cables circulating in USA and am happy to put you down for an audition.
Thank you so much, really interested. Awaiting a PM from you as soon as you can.
Hi Luca, you can try Sean Jacobs ( for bespoke MSB and Innuos Statement umbilicals.
He did both for me, using Mundorf S/G wire.
You’d be very pleased with the results.
Hope that helps
Hi Stefano,

just ordered to Sean a pair of umbilical cables for my Statement but he said he can’t produce cables for Discrete/Premier DACs.
Some gratifying feedback from @svenjosh ’s audition of my demo digital cables.

I recently purchased the Grimm Mu1 as my streamer. I got a chance to evaluate a few AES cables and want to share my experience. I posted this in Audiogon and after Mark from Sablon saw the thread, requested if I could share this in wbf.

I am going to gloss over the general question of whether cables make a difference or whether digital cables make a difference. I believe they make a big di in the sound. I am always careful in choosing my components, and unless something makes a tangible improvement in sound, I will never pay for something. If something makes an improvement, I do evaluate if it’s worth the asking price, and only then do I purchase anything. So it’s up to you to decide if something is worth the price that you pay for. Also, please note that, these findings apply to my system in my room and may not translate into the same findings in your system.

Now let’s go into what I heard in my system. I had the following cables. The Mogami cable, Shunyata Omega cable, Nordost Odin 2 cable and the Sablon cable. Unfortunately I was unable to obtain the Jorma design cable as I was unable to reach the cable company either through phone or email. I am not aware of any other dealer who carries it near me.

The biggest is difference between the basic Mogami and the rest of the cables. The difference is easy to discern in the bass. There is simply more texture, dimensionality, and clarity that is missing in bass with the Mogami cable. This is unfortunate as this is the cheapest cable. The rest of the cables are closer to each other. It takes a bit of back-and-forth of listening to discern the differences.

First up was the Shunyata cable. This is an excellent digital cable which is extremely natural sounding. Everything sounds clear with a nice sound stage. The sound stage extends beyond the speakers with a nice depth to it. There is a sense of fullness to the sound, more fleshed out, but in a very natural way. This is the first cable that I had for evaluation (this belongs to my friend). I will be very happy with this cable, if it were my only option. This cable retails for around 4.5 k.

Next step was the Nordost Odin 2 cable. I understand that there is a significant jump in price as this cable retails for over 12 K. The difference between the Shunyata and the Odin 2 cable is more subtle. The primary difference is in the sound stage. The sound extends well beyond the speakers and front to depth soundstage is significantly increased compared to Shunyata. There is also more detail and air at the top end. There is slightly more dynamics with the Odin 2 cable on back-and-forth listening. Please note, these differences are not in your face but subtle. Whether this is worth the price difference is something only you can decide.

The last cable that I had was the Sablon cable. The other cables measured 1.5 m but the Sablon was 1 m. I could not test if the length of cable makes a difference as I did not have the same cable in different lengths.

The Sablon cable brings a lot of nuance to the entire spectrum of sound. The bass is taut and has a lot of finesse. String instruments reveal a good amount of inner detail, whether it’s plucking or bowing. Percussion sounds realistic. It nicely brings out the textures and extremely accurate with regards to tone and timbre. The mid range is extremely clear and well presented, which is one of the strengths of this cable. The top end is clean and extremely accurate. It has an uncanny ability to make the softest sounds really fleshed out and clear. If are a Pink Floyd fan “Hello Colonel, how are you tonight” never sounded this clear, it’s like you are on shrooms.

This is how I would compare the Shunyata, Nordsost and Sablon. The system plays a huge role in laying out the differences. The bass is similar in all the three cables, they go deep, feel taut and have a lot of textures. It’s the midrange and highs that sound different. Nordstrom has a very neutral and sweet presentation that is very inviting. It sizzles in the top end and has superb dynamics. The other two cables cannot touch the Nordost in the highs. The Sablon shines in the midrange. It has one of the most accurate midrange sound and sounds really organic. The nordost is close but Sablon wins the midrange. So what did I choose? The sizzling dynamic Nordost or the realistic sounding Sablon?

I always believed that the highs are most important for sounding live and the feeling of being there. But Sablon changed my opinion, it’s the midrange that gives the sensation of live music. The Sablon made the music sound more alive than other 2 cables. The difference with Nordost is subtle but definite. The other important thing for me was tone and timbre. The Sablon again wins this. Of course the price is the icing on the cake. I personally play violin. I value tone and timbre (reason for the choice of my speakers) as the most important attribute. The midrange is amazing and live sounding. So I have decided to buy the Sablon. Of course, in your system and for your ears, the outcome may not be the same. My recommendation is to try before you buy especially considering the price of the these cables.
Mark sent me a demo AES/EBU which I compared to my Jorma Designs AES/EBU. They are both outstanding cables. The Jorma has more air around notes and presents a slightly more 3D sound front to back.with greater extension in the upper range. The Sablon has a richer more fluid mid-range and wider soundstage. After removing the Sablon I missed its sound, which I find quite addictive. I ordered the cable from Mark.
Mark sent me a demo AES/EBU which I compared to my Jorma Designs AES/EBU. They are both outstanding cables. The Jorma has more air around notes and presents a slightly more 3D sound front to back.with greater extension in the upper range. The Sablon has a richer more fluid mid-range and wider soundstage. After removing the Sablon I missed its sound, which I find quite addictive. I ordered the cable from Mark.
I ordered the cable to Mark, I’ll share my thoughts as soon as I receive it. Thanks.
I received from Mark the AES/EBU XLR cable and I’m liking it a lot from my PS Audio SACD Transport to MSB Premier.
It’s so natural and organic the sound now, rounded bass and detailed, not that kind of analytically presentation but pretty airy and with a good separation of instruments. What am I appreciating more? Without hyperbole, the engagement, I’m more in contact with music.

A few more hours needed to get conclusions but right out of the box, I’m happy to say, well done Mark!
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Mark was kind enough;-) to let my try Spdif Sablon Bocchino palladium RCA. Amazingly good sounding cable! Does everything right! So... I needed to buy it of course!
Do your self a favor.... If you never tried Sablon cables... Do it! They are a treat to your system...!!
I can´t thank @VoicesInMyHead enough for introducing me to the magic Sablon cables adds....!
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