Its more that everyone on this forum that has the budget to spend more on speakers, does so. And since the Zus are not in the stratosphere pricewise, they will get dissed a bit. That said, they do have a strong signature that can put people off or make people love them.
That signature sound has been reduced quite a bit in the last several years, imo they are getting much closer to neutral.
I enjoy them a lot and agree they are excellent for rock, blues and electronica. They also can fill large spaces/produce high SPLs.
Brad, that's a misconception. My Zus are good at "after midnight" levels. I actually don't feel the need to crank them up w the synergy of dense, fleshed out SETs sound.
Nothing to do w having to play them loud. More to do with a presentation that misses that last bit of delicacy, transparency and neutrality.
My Definitions saturate an 800 sq ft/10,000 cub ft space w ease on 35W Audion Black Shadows 845 tubes.
But they have been challenged on material that demands the least spkrs self character and microdetail.
Only the Linn TT was kind of interesting and maybe a Naim CD player. The rest...Brad, that sounds eminently reasonable. It's been a bit of a mission of mine to eek out as much performance from them. But I fully realise they may have a glass ceiling. However, what they do well, they do extremely well, and I've not heard any spkr rival them in this respect. I was a big fan of the Linn/Naim/active Isobarik presentation, and there is a certain thread from that sound to what I have now.
The choice in mid 80s London was a Linn LP12/Naim 6 pack active/Linn Isobarik, or Vpi/Krell behemoth/Apogee Scintillas.
Kondo Niero 2A3, Kondo KSL M77 pre, Kondo DAC, and Brian Charney's Concerto speakers with Lowther D4s.
Caesar, I've never got the "you are there/they are here/faithful to the master tape etc" dichotomys which I consider to be ultimately just so much navel gazing.
I do believe we stumble across the kinds of presentations that press our buttons, not truly look for the truth. If we really did the latter, just where is the "truth" in a recording like Pink Floyd The Final Cut, recorded in as many studios and countries as there were musicians at the sessions? Where's the "truth" in the drum sound on most modern recordings which are probably recorded on the equivalent of an I-Phone and dialled in (pun intended)?
No, for me the choices are more about whether one values uber detail retrieval, speed, PRaT, wide and deep soundstage and pinpoint imaging, tonal density and timbral accuracy, etc.
I realise some uber setups get a long way to ticking all these boxes. But at a more real world situation, one is likely to major on a couple of these situations to the partial exclusion of others.
Prior to finding the magic of tubes via my Hovland HP200 pre in 2005, my proclivity seemed to be more for the soundstage/imaging thing I admired in a friend's setup of Musical Fidelity KW monos feeding ML Prodigy hybrid panels.
However the spell of tubes led me to realise that tone and timbre were actually closer to my heart, what you might call meat on the bones of music, and quality steak rather than fast food (although there are a fair number of Big Macs and Whoppers in my collection LOL), and this then naturally led to the Zu type presentation finished off by my total immersion in SETs, and the magic of high power SETs on high efficiency zero crossover full range drivers in a large space.
Indeed a decade of Zus, Zus w SETs, these w idler/rim drive analog, and greater exposure to more and more live acoustic music has confirmed my view that tone, timbre, PRaT, mean way more than the type of HiFi imaging and staging I'd have had if I'd gone down the megaWatts/panel route (no disrespect to anyone who has).
What I have tried to do is optimise the heck out of my Zus so they combine their transparency of tone and timbre, w more traditional virtues of transparency to maxx microdynsmics, delicacy, air etc. And my efforts have been pretty fruitful.
So Caesar, we're speaking the same language. I'll let the bats deal w the conductor's farts LOL.
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