SET amp owners thread

Exkibris, to go OT one moment. Are you aware of any issues running yr tt on a floor mounted plinth adjacent to yr spkr?

I ask because I do the same (on a Stacore), and I'm aware this may be the worst place to site a tt.
I don't notice any problems running the TT so close to the speaker but I agree that it sure doesn't look optimal.
There are definitely no problems with running it on the floor there. Beneath the wood flooring is 8" of poured concrete. When I had a house with suspended floors I used to put my TT on a Minus-K isolation platform (for use with lab equipment like microscopes) but when I moved to this condo, I experimented and found that I didn't need it -- and that it sounded better right on the maple slab.
The real reason the TT is over there to the far right is because my cabling doesn't allow it to be in any other position! I know, I should buy some longer cables!
Exlibris, I followed yr Reed tt thread on A'gon w interest. Did you ever settle on sticking w the twin idler drive, or stick w belt?

My abiding thought on twin idlers was potential for differential wear and hence some scope for speed accuracy/stability issues.

My tt is going to be on a solid 7" high single tier slate stand utilising a 2" thick slate shelf, upon which my Stacore Adv/tt will site.

I'm hoping this combination will defeat the deleterious effects of my 35x30 springy suspended timber floor, and proximity to spkrs w down firing subs.
Yes, I stuck with the twin idler drive. The idler wheels disengage from the platter when the table is stopped so that helps. I haven't noticed any problems with speed over the years. I could always order another set of wheels if the originals showed wear or went out of round.
I should note that the speed problems that I had early on were remedied by the manufacturer.

I hope you can get your TT stabilized. I had the same springy floors in my old house and this platform (not this exact one) really helped:
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Exlibris, I've gone one better than Minus K, w the Stacore.

Just a last q, do you feel there's any deleterious effect having yr tt/stylus so close to the spkr?
Thank you. I had it built. A friend of mine is a cabinet maker. It isn't really an acoustic wall - just something nice to look at that hides the TV.
Well it is very nice indeed. The different levels will have a positive effect on sound refractions I would say. I have a smaller cork wall with 2 levels, 3mm and 10mm panels. Works great. I think many folk ignore the acoustic treatment aspects of a room. It is about getting it 'live' enough, but not bouncing all over the place. Then the bass nodes and standing waves, they are fun (not). I like a semi live room that can energise with bass if it is on the record. It gets you closer to the live sound.


Leftfield System at Brixton Academy May 2017. The system they used 2 years before this was even bigger, in fact I think it got banned.
They used to start their set with a real fog horn going off mounted behind the stage, that was how loud their concerts were...leftfield-metropolis-2017-photo-by-stephen-white-8.jpg

The energy at a live concert is enormous, especially an amplified rock concert or EDM. I was almost knocked over by the bass energy at a Leftfield concert, it was a new meaning to loud in the sub 200hz region. The kind of energy you feel as much as you hear it.
And it is not that guy was opposed to valves, he loves SETs as you can see in his other room with these speakers that he was running with Halgorythme 300b (EML and old 50s WE valves).

He mentioned that AN speakers sound best without AN amps. Having heard them with Jinro (with Psvane 211) compared to KR kt88 integrated I agree with him. Also never like them before many times with AN electronics

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The Devore Orangutans were better than them on every parameter - violin, vocals, piano, large orchestra, jazz. Bass, depth, stage, musicality, flow, tone, naturalness. The Airtight el34 push pull of 34 watts sounded better than the twice priced 300b on the Wagner but the 300b sounded better than the el34 on the Devore (though the Devore with the el34 also sounded better than the Wagner)

tone, naturalnessDevore.JPG
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And I will write on the Tenor phono some other time

Tenor Phono.JPG
Well there is a the report on the AN-E in a review a few years back, that debunks the claimed efficiency of 96dB, it came out at 91dB. And those speakers need to be stuffed into the corners to get decent bass response.

It's not so much of the efficiency. They sound loud enough with low watts sets. But they sound muddy, especially if inn the corners, with poor bass. Driving out of corners with Ayre retains tone, cleans them up, makes them disappear, gives cleaner and faster bass
The Devore Orangutans were better than them on every parameter - violin, vocals, piano, large orchestra, jazz. Bass, depth, stage, musicality, flow, tone, naturalness. The Airtight el34 push pull of 34 watts sounded better than the twice priced 300b on the Wagner but the 300b sounded better than the el34 on the Devore (though the Devore with the el34 also sounded better than the Wagner)

tone, naturalnessView attachment 48007
Interesting. You seem to really not like these small Cessaro speakers. I have not heard this model or the previous one. Still it seems hard to believe that the Orangutans were better with everything.

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