I will try again Rex ,
When did i say you cant listen to what you like ..?
High DR music if listening to at 72db avg DIN ( your claim not mine ) will hit 82db+ easy on peaks ..!
The reason it sounds harsh and shouting (your words not mine ) is distortion from clipping , so you are either ,
1. Playing compressed music to avoid
2. Lowering to 63db or so to avoid shout
3. Enjoying the dark softness from clipping .
No3 is often enjoyed by 90% of underpowered audiophiles as low feedback tooby amps tend to have dark clipping characteristics , toobs are vastly superior in this respect to their SS counterparts , as low distortion SS with feedback , tend to hard clip with a lovely ping..
Either way ,
apology for the interference, enjoy the math, have fun ..