Shanghai SIAV High End Audio Visual Show 2013


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
Torino (Turin) - Italy
There is any interest in seeing some pictures of the 21st Shanghai High End Audio Visual Show? If yes, I will post some.
Heck Yeah! Post away Katy!
There is any interest in seeing some pictures of the 21st Shanghai High End Audio Visual Show? If yes, I will post some.

Upload away!
Here we go:
two of the several rooms of DHC, one of the biggest distributor in HK/China

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Cabasse and Esoteric

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Tannoy and Accuphase
Jadis Distribution big room:

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Wilson Alexia and Boulder

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A "small" Jadis power amp :rolleyes:
The Jadis Distribution small room:

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Ayre and Vienna Acoustic
The Soulution integrated amplifier and the Eventus speakers

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Voxativ for the second time exhibit in Shanghai

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Hi Katylied

Great photos, but I saw in the big room MBL near WA&Boulder, and there was speaker cables, how was possible to demonstrate their equipment,there was some specific demo?

Hi Katylied

Great photos, but I saw in the big room MBL near WA&Boulder, and there was speaker cables, how was possible to demonstrate their equipment,there was some specific demo?


Yes, they was alternating the system playing.
Rosso Fiorentino speakers, PiGreco and MSB

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The amplifiers looks like AM audio. I went two time before to hiend Munichen hiend show but Rosso Fiorentoino speakers were only to be seen, never heard these speakers before which has a very beautiful design and a different tweeter.
The amplifiers looks like AM audio

You have a good sense! I've just noticed the similarity in the external design and by chance saw a new advertisment in a Hong Kong magazine where is stated "design by Attilio Conti" (aka Mr. AM Audio).
Amari turntables and equipment racks

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These racks also remember me of something I would love to own. Are you sure the rack is made by Amari? It looks like a Finite Elemente Pagode Edition :)

There is more than one item in that room that looks the same or very similar to famous brand products...... All, in this case, are branded Amari (you can see the logo).

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