I had done second sets of shootout
"Autumn Leaves" by Eva Cassidy
""Caravan" in the Still Harry Album.
'" You ll never find man" in Ice Age soundtrack
and some K pop
1. Shuagang Black 181Z
I got this tube upon reading some raved review that this one sounds better than Nos tubes.
But after comparing this one with Sylvania vt231, I found this one lacking details and transparency compared with Syl vt231 while it sound warm and organic.
i had done shootout with other tubes again this time.
It is just above average in detail, transparency, dynamics.
But it sounds balanced and musical with deep soundstage.
Overall it is a pretty good tube, but I will not buy at 120$ again.
2. RCA gray bottle made in 50's
This RCA sound similar to RCA vt 231.
But RCA vt231 is more transparent and more detailed than RCA gray bottel.
Gray bottle has very good bass and macro dynamics also with nice decay thus it also sound similar to 1587 Melz.
This make overall sound round and warm almost analog like.
Some people may find this tube boring while other people may like this.
3. 1578 Melz
After listening to RCA gray bottle, I switch to 1578 Melz made in 1980 for comparison.
They sound similar with nice bass, decay and wide soundstage.
But 1578 is slightly better than RCA gray bottle on every respect and more air than RCA gb.
1578 give best dynamics and widest and deepest soundstage while it may sound little bit closed in compared with Syl Vt231.
This one will be good for hard rock, metal music and big orchestral music.
To me this is the "Holy Grail" of 6sn7 tubes.
I had bought three pairs of 1578( two made in 1980 and one made in 1983).
4. Sylvania GTB Tall bottle made in 1955
This one sound very similar to "Bad boy " version made in 1952 with excellent bass and macrodynamics.
It also has some lively treble but overall kind of mediocre.
Not a bad tube but not excellent as Vt 231s.
5. Sylvania WGT brown base made in 50's.
I got three tubes at 65$ including shipping and tax from Ebay.
It could be hit or miss to buy Nos tubes from Ebay.
This one is clearly big hit.
This tube give lively details, good speed and transparecy.
It sounds almost like Raytheon VT 231 at much lower cost to me.
DetailsTransparenSpeedTonalityTreble ExTreble ClMi DynMac DynS. DepthS. widthNet costTotal cost
TS bgrp9.59.51099.510989.5957593
RCA vt231998.59.59.598.598.5108990.5
KR vt231999108.58910998390.5
RT vt2319998.598.5998.599288.5
Syl vt10109.5810109.57.59910092.5
Bad boy87.58.597.58.58.598.5921584
S 181z88.5898.598.5898.512085
RCA gr87.5897.588.59.591010584.5
Syl Tall8.588.58888988.510882.5
Syl Wgt999998.5988.58.54587.5
Treble Ex means extensionTreble Cl means clarity
So far 1578 Melz got the best score just above TS bgrp at less than half cost.
All vt231 tubes made in 40's are excllent.
Syl Wgt brown base was the best among the tubes made in 50's at only 45$ per pair.