Shunyata Research Alpha USB


Mar 10, 2014
Hi guys,

The new Alpha USB cable is now out in the market.

Performance is staggering. I would really strongly recommend that people at least give this a listen as I believe this is a game changer. I have compared the Alpha USB to cables costing many times its price (in UK £1k for 1.5M) and the Alpha does not fail to impress.

In the UK KJ West One, Midland Audio X-Change and Audiobarn have demonstration units.


Hi guys,

The new Alpha USB cable is now out in the market.

Performance is staggering. I would really strongly recommend that people at least give this a listen as I believe this is a game changer. I have compared the Alpha USB to cables costing many times its price (in UK £1k for 1.5M) and the Alpha does not fail to impress.

In the UK KJ West One, Midland Audio X-Change and Audiobarn have demonstration units.



How does it compare to the Sigma version?
How does it compare to the Sigma version?

Personally I think it gets very close to Sigma (I would say 90% of the performance of Sigma). My Sigma USB is out on demo and I am using an Alpha instead, I don't feel like I'm losing much!

I really do feel like this is one of their most impressive product launches in recent years.


Thanks for the impression.

I use the Sigma clock cables, and if they are anything to compare regarding their nice natural sonic signature.

Waiting for reports on their new lan cable too!

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