Either the NAT will work just fine on the Diva bass...no matter what Rich is telling. BTW, the original Diva spec was that the speakers could hit 118db with 100 watts at 4 or 5 meters (can't remembe anymore). That is for a pair.
My experience of playing with amps on a Diva and the upper section of a Grand (which is basically a souped up Diva) was that a single pair of SE2SEs or Transmitters would be just fine. Now if you have a large room or listen extremely loud that might not still be true. We got good results from tube amps because the bass panel's imedance is quite uniform and not too low (around 3-4 ohms). Sensitivity is around 85-86db as well. So, a 100 watt tube amp, if it has GOOD output transformers, would be more than enough. Flo had is SE2SE measured and it was putting out well over 100 watts before clipping. Transmitters are rated well over 100 watts as well. Should work like a charm.
I have heard Flo's Transmitters both with the high power setting and the low power setting (on which they work fine, with around 50w). But Spirit's room is too big - 40 ft by 18ft