Thanks for the information. I was also having in mind to look for 35th anniv. version mostly for age reasons.
Do you know what’s the real woofer size of these speakers?
To my knowledge the are 10". There is also the new Strad G2 however I prefer the original after listening to the G2 at several occasions but given your request for 'organic' delivery the original Strad would be my choice, which it is. /M
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Main system: Aavik U-300 (upgraded internals), Accuphase C-47 + TechDAS AF V Premium + Kuzma 4P11" Gemstone/Kondo silver XLR + Ortofon MC Diamond, Naim streamer SSD + TAD DA-1000 DAC, Sonus Faber Stradivari 35 Anniversary, mostly full cable loom Ansuz Acoustics, D and own silver constructions on signal side, Mainz DTC/D2 + Mainz8 D-TC power distributor. All individual equipment and cables rest on Ansuz Acoustics Darkz DTC (Tungsten balls). Dedicated mains supply (Audience Conductor) with Klangmodule fuse system and Furutech receptacles. Other systems: Collection of Sonus Faber classics (Franco S design), tube gear and transistor designs, CD-transports and players, turntables and collection of cables