Hi Peter,
If I can tell the difference between a live performer in the room vs. one in a hall or club, which I think anyone can, then I can easily tell the difference with reproduced Presence in a properly configured system/room...
IIRC, we brIefly touched on Dynamics, Presence & Tone at dinner a few years ago....
Jim, I do not think I was very clear with my question. You are suggesting your term “presence” as a substitute for the term “space”. When I think of presence, I think of the quality in the system that gives the listener the impression that he is in the presence of a performance. This is the quality after tone and dynamics that makes the presentation very believable. I think of this as very distinct from the character of the space in which the recorded performance is taking place, which is what I think Karen Sumner is describing.
In other words, it seems to me that you and Karen are describing different things. If I am mistaken, can you explain how what you are describing is similar to what Karen is describing? Help me to understand why the terms presence and space are describing the same thing.