one time visitor's feedback is different, but still valuable. it's all data points, but everyone who comes has their own prism of reality they filter through, as well as the time it takes to fully appreciate what my system is doing. I find when a visitor has a second session that they 'get' what is going on much better.....
I think it would be nice to be able to go from your system, back to another, and back to yours. Although changing something in the system seems to give a similar affect. I'm somewhat surprised, to me it was really clear how well your entire setup is tuned, and what it can do. But I admit I spent a lot of time all year practicing hearing the differences in things, and trying hard to avoid false-positives. As far as being critical I'll come around to that at some point. It's sort of like taking a ride in a Koenigsegg and then being asked what you didn't like; even if there's areas you may well believe you could change it was still the best ride you've had.
The speakers are closer together, and more on-axis than I thought they'd be, but I couldn't possibly fault their position without an awful lot of time, like, living with them, to even conceive of moving them. I think it goes to show that a lot of intimate time and tuning goes a long way because all speakers and rooms are different. But I guess that's where the benefit of someone walking in and it getting it to say a good 90% or better is appealing since you can spend months on it yourself with a lot of your spare time.