I saw the movie and enjoyed it. Disney did feature a few cute little creatures for marketing purposes but not as bad as in some previous Star Wars movies. Nothing as terrible as Jar Jar Binks.
Seems that some Star Wars cultists didn't like the film and critics liked the film better than movie ticket buyers on Rotten Tomatoes. I have seen most of the Star Wars films but I don't consider myself a Star Wars nerd so I didn't go in with any preconceived notions. Just looking for entertainment and it did that.
At 2 1/2 hours it was a bit long in my view but moved quickly and was action packed for the most part.
Edit - by the way, I am on the older side and I am only good for about two hours at the movies. One of my issues with extra long movies relates to the bladder and other parts of the male anatomy as you younger guys will come to know in due time.