Swiss Digital Fuse Box Anyone?

I have two fuses in Nagra VPA replaced by two sluggos and all works like a charm. Game over for all aftermarket fuses….
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I have two fuses in Nagra VPA replaced by two sluggos and all works like a charm. Game over for all aftermarket fuses….

I was under the impression that you weren't using aftermarket fuses anyway. In any case, what has been your experience with the SDFB's? Did you take it (them) over to a friend's, as I think you mentioned?
I was always uaing aftwrmarket fuses HiFitunning, SR Orange and SR Purple. Did not hear any changes except with Purple. Knowing that Master costs more than SFDB there is no logic buying them beside SFDB.
I took it to friends place but wine, food and chat took the better of us :cool:
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