I don't get it.
I don't get it. You agree that room treatments matter. You also believe that system quality matters. What's there to argue about?
As I and others have said, every listening room has some sort of treatment even if it's just an empty room with a chair.
Let's be reasonable here. Surely nobody entered this thread with the thought others were setting up a playback system in an empty gymnasium or empty 2-car garage or that the OP was talking about carpeting. I'm a firm believer in having a reasonable-enough listening room which implies a few minimal items like carpeting/pad and minimal furnishings like a chair, and maybe a painting or three on various walls. Are those treatments? Of course. But that's reasonable enough for me. Well, that and it would be nice if the room was somewhat symmetrical (though not a requirement) and the speakers had enough room to breath/disperse. This was and is what I consider a reasonable enough room and I consider these BASICS as somewhat of a requirement. But that's it. And to be honest I don't give 2 hoots about first-reflections either.
My argument is against those who claim that the room is the most important component of a truly musical playback system. When I hear those claims I assuming aftermarket acoustic treatments, bass traps, hiring consultants / acousticians, and/or designing custom rooms, etc. and I'm saying there's no real proof of such claims other than those items making a playback presentation a bit more tolerable or perhaps having some influence. That's it. Because they can do nothing to address the cause.
I'm saying none of those aftermarket items need be on anybody's radar because those things can only serve as band-aids because they can only address the effects and not the cause.
I'm saying none of those aftermarket items can substititute or correct for our neglecting the playback system's very serious deficiencies at the playback system nor can those items substitute our neglecting to sufficiently acoustically couple our speakers/subs to their associated rooms.
I'm saying all of those aftermarket items are potentially chasing windmills because going this route does nothing to remedy or address the cause but instead can only address the effects of the cause.
timlink mentioned putting something together about hearing differences. I'm not interested in hearing differences. I'm interested in hearing truly superior musical playback presentations. And it seems clear to me with all the claims of the room being the most important component that this level of superior musicality can be achieved by "the room" and I'm saying hogwash.
Everything potentially introduces differences. If I install a deep freezer or a kindsize bed in my listening room, I'm likely to hear a negative or positive difference. What does any of that have to do with real levels of musicality? I'm not interested in differences. I could wake up Monday morning and listen to music and hear differences from Sunday morning. Big deal.
More specifically, what I'm really trying to say is that our playback system's noise floors are so high that much of the music info read and processed will remain inaudible at the speaker and no amount of acoustic treatments, bass traps, consulting, or custom room can correct, replace, and/or otherwise compensate for that missing music info. It's impossible as the technology doesn't exist.
More specifically, what I'm really trying to say is there's an acoustic noise floor of sorts that is the result of insufficient speaker / sub placement and/or tuning within a given room. Neglect here also will also render music inaudible. And again, no amount of acoustic treatments, bass traps, consultiing, and/or custom rooms can correct, replace, and/or otherwise compensate for that missing music info. It's impossible as the technology doesn't exist.
More specifically, what I'm trying to say is we have plenty of people over the past 30+ years parroting acoustic treatments, bass traps, consutlants, and/or custom rooms are the most important component of any system worth its weight musically. And I'm saying no they are not, as those things can only deal with the effects of the cause and I'm saying such claims are basically folkore passed down over the past 30 years.
Hopefully, we're talking about systems delivering significant and superior levels of musicality. And what I'm talking about is if one were to devote SUFFICIENT time and attention to the causes of an inferior / sub-par playback systems (which we all have), we wouldn't have to do a bloomin' thing to change an already reasonable-enough room because their listening perspective is already somewhere / anywhere in the recording hall. And the listening room with all its acoustic anomalies are gone.
It's late and I've typed too much.