The fabulous Silversmith Fidelium Speaker Cable

I just purchased the Townshend F1 speaker cables. Awesome! Puts the Silversmith to shame.

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So I received the SS Fidelium about a month ago and have been listening to them ever since.
These are the most transparent cables I have ever heard.

My first impression written down after receipt with the reference being a pair of Chord Company Shawlines.
The sound is...interesting. Everything went up a notch or two.
It was immediately more holographic with the speakers seeming to disappear more than previously. High frequency instruments seemed to have more detail and body sounding more fleshed out.
The bass gained a level in terms of detail, tautness and impact.
Upgrading my speaker terminal interconnects produced further gains - I think this is an essential package deal purchase.

I then upgraded my power cables to a full loom of the 'NRG custom 5' and saw scalar increases increases in harmonic texture, colour, high frequency sound and bass texture and 3 dimensionality, thought the biggest gain seemed to be in the treble. Once again the Fideliums seemed totally transparent to a large improvement in sound. Voices gained corporeal form in my living room.
Overall I am very impressed and delighted with the result, though my reference cable is quite modest.

I have yet to hear how they compare in my system with the ultra high end of the cable world - I'm looking at Tara Labs especially, and I cannot comment on whether these stand equal with the esoteric top end in terms of pricing as many here claim (or refute). If anyone has made comparison with Tara Labs cabling I would love to hear your impressions.
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My data point here.... I loved everything I read about these. I loved the bio on Jeff Smith, his distinguished resume, the reviews, value, practically everything....except their sound in my system. My system consists of a Grimm MU1, Mola Mola Tambaqui, Gryphon Essence, and Rockport Atrias. My listening room forces me into a bit of a nearfield positiion. Plugging the Fideliums in created the perception of a more forward sound stage (not ideal in my near field setting), and some perceived emphasis on upper midrange frequencies. I had recently auditioned Tara 0.8 cables which had a bit more defined and wider imaging, without this perceived effect on midrange "richness".
This is disappointing, and I really believe in the physics of the Fideliums, and their value. Tara labs "science" and pricing do not create the warm fuzzies in me.
It's all very interesting, system differences. I understand that the cable itself is not effectig "tone" per se, but this is how my brains reads this. Also, one could argue that the lack of "error" in the cables transmission of bass frequencies is leading to a "cooler" sound signature, and a more accurate portrayal of the actual recording. Whatever the reason, it isn't synergistic in my setup.
Perhaps if I had one piece of tube gear upstream, or a larger, more absorptive listening room...
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I have just received the Silversmiths, will be placing them into the system early next week, fingers crossed! Goldenear Triton 1.r, VAC Renaissance 70/70 Mk II amp.
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So I received the SS Fidelium about a month ago and have been listening to them ever since.
These are the most transparent cables I have ever heard.

My first impression written down after receipt with the reference being a pair of Chord Company Shawlines.
The sound is...interesting. Everything went up a notch or two.
It was immediately more holographic with the speakers seeming to disappear more than previously. High frequency instruments seemed to have more detail and body sounding more fleshed out.
The bass gained a level in terms of detail, tautness and impact.
Upgrading my speaker terminal interconnects produced further gains - I think this is an essential package deal purchase.

I then upgraded my power cables to a full loom of the 'NRG custom 5' and saw scalar increases increases in harmonic texture, colour, high frequency sound and bass texture and 3 dimensionality, thought the biggest gain seemed to be in the treble. Once again the Fideliums seemed totally transparent to a large improvement in sound. Voices gained corporeal form in my living room.
Overall I am very impressed and delighted with the result, though my reference cable is quite modest.

I have yet to hear how they compare in my system with the ultra high end of the cable world - I'm looking at Tara Labs especially, and I cannot comment on whether these stand equal with the esoteric top end in terms of pricing as many here claim (or refute). If anyone has made comparison with Tara Labs cabling I would love to hear your impressions.
if a cable really is transparent, how do you hear it? ;)
if a cable really is transparent, how do you hear it? ;)

I find myself somewhat at a loss to understand the dramatic degradation in your system that you report when running these SC’s
For the order of magnitude you are stating the cables would have to exhibit extraordinary LCR measurement characteristics , in particular Capacitance.
The only other speaker cables I can recall that have resulted in anything close to what you report were from High Fidelity, that are a whole other animal entirely!

Something singularly odd is afoot here.

My experience is similar but I doubt the exception, and after reading a thread on Agon, it is quite understandable. Someone did an analysis there and showed that the resistance of the Fidelium cables is high. They quoted 1 ohm in one spot, and 2 in another. I think that may have been different lengths. I have Focal Sopra 3 into a Parasound A21. The Focal's impedance is all over the map It needs an amplifier with low impedance to sound it's best which is what I have. This is the only speaker cable I have tried that made my system sound bad. Not different. Bad. I was not really given an explanation for why this could be, just "poor synergy". That is correct on a technicality.

This obviously works for some so it may be very sensitive to speakers and your amp.
Relative one of the referenced posts on Audiogon, I posted the following (

"Fideliums look more fragile than they are. However, finger tightening them or going a little easy on using a wrench to torque them down, is probably prudent. Perhaps because of their lack of connectors, their use would be contraindicated if you rotated speakers in & out of the room daily, but other than that, handle them as you would with any other speaker cable."

"Resistance suppositions are fine, but when I compared Nordost and Iconclast speaker cables on my SoundLab's (which go as low as 2-ohms), the Fidelium's won. Electrostatic's in general like to "see" speaker cables with Low Capacitance, Low Inductance and Average to low resistance. Nordost fit those requirements, yet my audition pair weren't as good as my 10' Fidelium audition pair. They stayed and the other two cables went back. I even switched from 10' to 12' Fidelium's with no resulting differences."

"With the Fidelium's and the other audition pair's I noticed little difference in frequency response. What prompted my preferring them was their sense of ease (for lack of a better description) and a better soundstage. The differences were NOT astounding, but there. Because I liked the Fideliums better and they were a couple times less expensive than the other two, keeping them was an easy decision."

"Obviously, everyone's results will vary, especially depending upon one's amps and speakers. But that's why manufacturer's like Silversmith have a trial period. So rather than guessing about this, that or another thing, simply try them. You will be surprised when you receive them in a feather-weight, hand-size box. Although based on research, I expected them to weigh little and take up little space when rolled-up, the box's feel and size was still surprising."
This is a revision to my above post, in retrospect, I mentioned a change from 10' Fideliums to 12'. Actually, I moved from 8' ones to 10' ones. Ten feet is the longest Silversmith sells.
My experience is similar but I doubt the exception, and after reading a thread on Agon, it is quite understandable. Someone did an analysis there and showed that the resistance of the Fidelium cables is high. They quoted 1 ohm in one spot, and 2 in another. I think that may have been different lengths. I have Focal Sopra 3 into a Parasound A21. The Focal's impedance is all over the map It needs an amplifier with low impedance to sound it's best which is what I have. This is the only speaker cable I have tried that made my system sound bad. Not different. Bad. I was not really given an explanation for why this could be, just "poor synergy". That is correct on a technicality.

This obviously works for some so it may be very sensitive to speakers and your amp.
This "analysis" is a speculation based on a guess about what metals are used in the Fidelium cables by someone who has never seen nor heard it. And this "analysis" looks to be fully troll-driven. Go over (hold your nose) to that Audiogon site and read for yourself.
This "analysis" is a speculation based on a guess about what metals are used in the Fidelium cables by someone who has never seen nor heard it. And this "analysis" looks to be fully troll-driven. Go over (hold your nose) to that Audiogon site and read for yourself.

Troll or not, unlike Silversmith, who I discussed my issue with at the time, and it was put down to bad synergy, nor all the people extolling the virtues of this cable, he was able to provide the correct reason why the cable did not work with my speakers.

His (I assume his) initial guesses at the resistance of the cable appears to be speculation, but in retrospect, informed speculation. His speculation has proven to be quite accurate. The 10 foot version of the cable has been verified to be 1.8 ohms. His speculation was 1 ohm, but then in another post talks about 1-2 ohms and length. Speculating 2 ohms and the exact value is 1.8 is close enough in my books.

As it appears this person came up with that speculation purely from the description on the web that has no mention of the resistance or what the material is that I could find, troll or not, they appear to know their stuff. How many of us could have done that just from this?

If this works in your system great. I tried, but in retrospect there was no chance it would work and with the right information I would have known before I spent time on it. It leaves bad taste in my mouth.
Why? You tried the cable and did not like it. You return it and get a refund. Where’s the problem?
Why? You tried the cable and did not like it. You return it and get a refund. Where’s the problem?

My time ordering. My time playing around attaching them, trying to figure out if I did something wrong, cleaning contacts, talking to people, trying again, moving speakers, returning. Many hours of my time. But that is not my issue. My issue is the lack of openness and up front clarity that would have allowed me to avoid that waste of my time.
Troll or not, unlike Silversmith, who I discussed my issue with at the time, and it was put down to bad synergy, nor all the people extolling the virtues of this cable, he was able to provide the correct reason why the cable did not work with my speakers.

TROLL or not, it is a given that NOT all people will find that component "X" has the same virtues, or negatives as component "Y". That's why we have 1000's of equipment choices and auditioning is necessary; especially if it can be done in ones room, with ones ancillary equipment. It's also why I frequent forums such as this, to obtain opinions -- positive, negative et al. However, I find suppositions based on materials, parts, measurements, product types within a category (i.e. tubes vs ss, cones & domes vs horns etc.), et al. to be of little, if any value, when it comes to making buying decisions. But heck yes, I would like those speculations, suppositions and measurements, to have value and be the end all, be all; it would make prioritizing buying decisions so much easier.

My time ordering. My time playing around attaching them, trying to figure out if I did something wrong, cleaning contacts, talking to people, trying again, moving speakers, returning. Many hours of my time. But that is not my issue. My issue is the lack of openness and up front clarity that would have allowed me to avoid that waste of my time.
If this works in your system great. I tried, but in retrospect there was no chance it would work and with the right information I would have known before I spent time on it. It leaves bad taste in my mouth.
Heaven forbid: NOT "many hours" of "ordering", "attaching", "playing around", "trying", "cleaning", "talking", "trying again", "moving speakers, returning"!??

I've always hated cable auditioning and that was before my beard turned gray and I became disabled. But even then and now, I never considered going on-and-on about what we normally do and take for granted in this hobby. That is, unless of course my intent was to cast aspersions on a perfectly sound product (no pun), or in an attempt remove the blame from my decision and cast it on something, or someone who didn't force the auditioning decision in the first place. I'm no medical practitioner, but some minty fresh, mouth wash, might ameliorate that "bad taste..."
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Troll or not, unlike Silversmith, who I discussed my issue with at the time, and it was put down to bad synergy, nor all the people extolling the virtues of this cable, he was able to provide the correct reason why the cable did not work with my speakers.

His (I assume his) initial guesses at the resistance of the cable appears to be speculation, but in retrospect, informed speculation. His speculation has proven to be quite accurate. The 10 foot version of the cable has been verified to be 1.8 ohms. His speculation was 1 ohm, but then in another post talks about 1-2 ohms and length. Speculating 2 ohms and the exact value is 1.8 is close enough in my books.

As it appears this person came up with that speculation purely from the description on the web that has no mention of the resistance or what the material is that I could find, troll or not, they appear to know their stuff. How many of us could have done that just from this?

If this works in your system great. I tried, but in retrospect there was no chance it would work and with the right information I would have known before I spent time on it. It leaves bad taste in my mouth.
I'm glad it turned out what the Silversmith hater guessed at turned out to be true--and yes it would have been better for you to have that info before you spent time on it (I assume Jeff at Silversmith refunded you so you weren't out money as well).

The reason I jumped on your post was you stated "someone did an analysis" and "they quoted 1 ohm in one and 2 in another." That implied someone was testing the cable, completely false--when that someone was posting multiple wild posts on various A'gon threads guessing and gunning after Silversmith. That's why I am calling that person a Silversmith hater. And no the fact that I use Fidelium cables has nothing to do with it (nor did I bring that up).

I hope you are not claiming that Jeff at Silversmith is responsible for that bad taste in your mouth because he didn't foresee the problems you would have with your speakers. I agree with Mrmb---some mouth wash is in order, preferably flavoured with understanding and kindness toward the manufacturer.
I hope you are not claiming that Jeff at Silversmith is responsible for that bad taste in your mouth because he didn't foresee the problems you would have with your speakers. I agree with Mrmb---some mouth wash is in order, preferably flavoured with understanding and kindness toward the manufacturer.

You are darn right I am claiming that. Take your pick. He is either totally unqualified to be designing speaker cables if he did not foresee this as an issue (it would be, to some degree, with most dynamic speakers, and with others as well). And if he did foresee this as an issue, and does not communicate it clearly in marketing literature, then that is dishonest. You take your pick, incompetent or dishonest. I honestly do not know which one.
You are darn right I am claiming that. Take your pick. He is either totally unqualified to be designing speaker cables if he did not foresee this as an issue (it would be, to some degree, with most dynamic speakers, and with others as well). And if he did foresee this as an issue, and does not communicate it clearly in marketing literature, then that is dishonest. You take your pick, incompetent or dishonest. I honestly do not know which one.
Both you and Ozzy have Focal Sopras and both of you didn't like the cable (by the way you could have learned that fact before you bought because Ozzy put his opinion right in this thread!).

Quite a large majority of others, who have posted here and elsewhere, clearly own and like the cable, not to mention opinions in formal reviews (ie Greg Weaver). So it would appear that the vast majority of speakers work with this speaker cable. Yours and Ozzy's didn't--so that makes the manufacturer, who offers a money back trial, dishonest or incompetent?
This is what I posted on Audiogon a few days ago.

I do think there is something about this wires design that did not mesh with my equipment. More resistance? I dunno.

I am using tubes amps and when I tried these cables the bass, treble and dynamics was anemic. It had a good midrange though. And, I had to turn the volume up a few more notches when playing.

Many here love these cables so it must be my specific amp/speaker configuration that did not work well with these cables.

I went to the Townshend F-1 Fractal speaker cables. Very nice match.

Wow, same guy who went crazy on the Audiogon thread is here - join date April 22nd…and I’ve seen him stirring this up on Audiocircle, too. Unbelievable

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