The future of Krell

Yes! CARMINA BURANA! My phone almost got confiscated shortly thereafter. I have done worse at the symphony. One time I recorded Blue Danube and emailed it to my dad, who was a proud German.:D
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I just confirm, the EVO 900 s are something special;they really controll the music as a whole and also make the listening so easy and enoyable!
I got my dealers silver demo pair for a few weeks until the black 900e come in. His pair were new, so I am breaking them in. The bass and control are totally never heard before. I am surprised how cool they run.

I thought the 710 had command of my speakers. I really had no idea what was possible!View attachment 9638
I'm in the process of finding the right amps for my YG Vantages

There are a pair of Krell 600e monos available in my area

and I wonder if these would still be a good match or which amps you'd recommend, thanks

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