Hi Peter,
I hope you are doing great. Just read the first post in this thread, the linked article, and the last post.
Having read the last post, I thnk there is a log of audiophile masturbation in this thread - using sandpaper.. sorry, I got a migraine today , so I will be using less flowery language than usual and get straight to the point

As I really enjoy the Grateful Dead, Phish, Henrdix, badly recorded live blues, old Jascha Heifetz, etc., and a lot of other music that's recorded like SH!T, having a wide listening window is one of my goals. this has been the goal of my audiophile journey. not to listen to some obscure shIt that was recorded well. the stuff that's recorded well will sound "good" on the crappiest system in the crappiest room . Watching that snooty, arrogant mother fuyer, "haughty" peter mgrath give wilson demos at shows with his "perfect", unobtainable recordings makes me want to throw up ...
- unless guys sit down and listen together, disect the experiences, and understand what they are talking about, many posts here are all a bunch of garbage
- after sharing a number of experiences, people can start to develop a shared vocabulary. I can't get myself to read the stuff in between the first and last post, although I know there are some huge nuggets of gold and jewels among the garbage from some excellent and experienced people in between the garbage
- understand your preference
- if you enjoy box speakers that measure well, and are featured as expensive luxury items in stereophile and TAS, and are audiophile approved, they will sound good only with the best recordings but will sound like crap with what the guy is talking about. You are so Fukked!
I think you have a thread called sublime sound about your vinyl - magico system. If you streamed, your thread wouldn't be called that. A friend who is older, sicker, and just wants to enjoy more music got into streaming. He replaced his magicos (and his ipad screen) as his finger was hurting from tapping the Next button
- Find someone who is experienced with this type of thing that you can trust to shorten your learning curve. Pray for lady luck on this one! These individuals are extremely rare these days.... Sam Tellig types are long gone....
- control what you can: your room (to a certain extent with treatments) for so it doesn't interfere with the music , tone , and dynamics. That means get a high efficiency system / highly dynamic system that Jumps. User tube gear with Rich tone. But again, if your preference is for boxes, change your preference or be damned to listening to bad music . Don't use expensive cables like Nordost or Kielbasa Sosna or Cardas that fukk up the proper tonal balance or kill dynamics and make the system more cloudy
- be prepared to have several systems, and vary those systems with different amps (300B, 845, etc.) and DACs
Sorry for being so straight forward. I do sincerely wish you all the best on your audio journey