It seems you are reversing the statistics - most of the audiophile community uses the Holt/HP/magazine glossary on sound quality and shares my questions and concerns.
Partly because of the relative clarity they brought to the various words and concepts they espoused. (That's a description not an endorsement.) Partly because of the quasi-rebelious reaction on people's part to the 'good specs = good sound' perspective. JGH and HP gave audiophiles a language and framework for talking about their systems to which audiophiles could relate versus an otherwise vacuum. It was new and developing at the time of HP & Holt's heyday. Now it is somewhat entrenched and few are bringing alternative concepts to the community with the same degree of clarity and structure.
David (
@ddk) says the ideas behind his discussion of natural sound were worked out years ago. He's right of course and his example from Klipsch bears that out.
@PeterA and David say we really only need the one word 'natural'. "I know it when I hear it".
But Klipsch is not here. It's fine to talk about one's personal experience. But referring to past purveyors and "my journey" are alone not sufficiently effective to change or overthrow or rethink the past 30+ years of Holt/HP thinkspeak . Especially if the effort to do so is predicated on a single word:
natural. One word is not enough to overcome those 30 years. Look at how much effort is spent here explaining a relatively specialized meaning of its use.
This is why a soley holistic approach is inadequate to the job of changing attitudes and changing vocabulary and the way we think about our systems and our preferences. And why I argue the need to spell out (with at least as much vigor as early TAS and Stereophile) what is behind that specialized meaning of
natural - to put it on firm ground (grund). And do so in not just a way ("there are no black backgrounds in the concert hall.") that is reactionary to Holt-Pearson.
While acknowledging that reproduction is not reality, look to the concert hall, look to the live music experience as a place to start. HP talked about his absolute sound but he failed to tie his vocabulary back to it - that's where things went astray. If our stereos are the shadows on the wall of the live experience,
let us be clear about what they are shadows of. Saying they are natural shadows is not enough.