Well 24 hours have passed , more or less,and I am listening again. Grant from Shunyata told me that the gear takes about 24 hours to settle in. I really enjoyed what I listened to yesterday but this morning it has moved further.
I want to begin by saying I had heard a bit of the Altaira at Robert Harleys a while back when I was there with the Gobel Speakers along with Oliver Gobel and Stirling Trayle. It was a short exposure at the end of a very hectic couple of days . We had first to remove the Wilson XVX, Subs and some extra electrronics lying around before we could start unpacking and installing our speakers. On the last day for about a half hour the Shunyata entered the system. I did hear some change but to be honest I was tired and ready to go home. I put it in the back of my mind to try to get a chance to hear this at home if I could. I forgot about it and just moved on.
A few months back while doing the Axpona show Brandon Lauer, from Wadax, starting talking about this to me. He suggested I try the products as he is a fan and an ex employee of Shunyata. He asked me if he could make a call to them and have them reach out. I said sure. I have worked a few shows with Brandon and I totally respect his ears and his set up talents. Some time passed and Grant called me and we set up a meeting in Munich. I meet with Richard and Will and we all agreed to get some gear into my hands to try this summer.
I did and started with the power products which I have written about before. They built some Altaira for me and this week it was Christmas / Hannukah in July.
So lets talk about this and what it does. I did hear some difference at RH's but to be totally honest the sound there with the Wilson was just ok and the result we got with the Gobels was good but no where close to what I have here. These of course are my opinions and mine alone.
So after all this boilerplate what the heck am I saying.
THe installation of these products makes everything better. The audiophile terms to me don't really apply. It's not just transparent.or more dynamic, or better soundstaging, or more depth, of fast. or etc. Its all of those things and more. I like the word more. You can hear more. You feel more. You are more involved. You enjoy it more. You want to listen more.
If there was a more control on your system it just got turned up. I have had some grounding products in my system before and they worked and were good, in fact very good but not like this.
If I had to compare it something that maybe some can relate too is its like the first time one listened to music stoned but without the ancillary side efects of getting the munchies or being paranoid

Maybe thats a bridge to far but its a better comparision than some audiophile word salad.
More is good. I want more. I always want more and these products give more.