The new Bending Wave Gobel Divin Noblesse Reference System

Thanks, Elliot. Debbie, my wife, will love this! We saw them here locally at a charity event last year with her husband, "The Hit Maker." She was the better half, although he is undoubtedly a prolific songwriter/producer.
I have to warn you the song is an earworm and there are a ton of covers of Sara Bareillis song. Its hypnotic to me!
SO as I have said before new gear or at least new to me has a way of showing up here for me to experience. I have a group of friends that we talk and I hold thier opinions in high regard.
So when It was suggested that i might like these products and out of no where they called me and wanted to send some to me I said yes.
Over the last week I have gotten a few shipments of different items to upgrade my power from the wall out. Power distribution, power cords and one ethernet cable. I have been having a lot of fun and enjoyment inserting these items in my system and being able to hear what happens.
So far I am thrilled and there are still a few more "toys" on the way.
It never ceases to surprise me that with all the work and time I have invested and the level at which my system now resides that I can move it forward again and again. I used to think their were limits, now I am not so sure.
I was not a fan of plugging my amplifiers into anything other than the wall. I have tried in the past various brands and differetn types of power devices and always came back to removing them. It is not that I don't believe that these devices can work in a system only that I dont think they do the job on power amps.
My beliefs have been changed.
Grant and Richard from Shunyata have suppied me with some gear to try
Typhon T30 for my amps . This is the real deal and the improvements in my system are not small. Each and every listener that has visited my room over the last few weeks was stunned byt he results I am getting. So am I.
Sometimes audio is a lot of fun. This has been one of those times.
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Some completed room pictures of a clients system and transformed room
Next adventure in the reference system is the installation of the Altaira Grounding System . I look forward to hearing what this highly recommended components can bring in my listening room
Well today was another day of being an explorer. Trying to not have expectations or even limiting said expectations to see what would happen when making some changes in a system that has been really incredible for quite a while now.
I was expecting a visit form Shunyata but there were some issues that prevented that from happening . Today I spent a time on the phone with Grant Samuelson who walked me through how to set up my system with the Altaira system and the alpha grounding cables. The cables come with removeable ends such that they can be adapted to a wide variety of different components. My system doesn't really need all of those options as there are ground posts on almost everything except the Riviera Mono's. So I started following his instructions and installed the ends and began grounding all the pieces in my system.
I have both the SG and CG box and used then to install the signals to the SG box and the rest to the CG box. I also have another CG box for the other side of my room to ground the amps and subwoofer amps.( signal ground/component ground)
The process was very easy just took some time attaching the ends and routing the cables to the proper locations, take a measurement or two and
Ok Done,
System on
First track what I played yesterday to end my demo.
War- The World is a Ghetto- 50th anniversary- City, Country , City
Well everything I thought I knew and all my preconceived ideas were ...well they were not close to the reality of what just occured.

To be continued ....
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Well 24 hours have passed , more or less,and I am listening again. Grant from Shunyata told me that the gear takes about 24 hours to settle in. I really enjoyed what I listened to yesterday but this morning it has moved further.
I want to begin by saying I had heard a bit of the Altaira at Robert Harleys a while back when I was there with the Gobel Speakers along with Oliver Gobel and Stirling Trayle. It was a short exposure at the end of a very hectic couple of days . We had first to remove the Wilson XVX, Subs and some extra electrronics lying around before we could start unpacking and installing our speakers. On the last day for about a half hour the Shunyata entered the system. I did hear some change but to be honest I was tired and ready to go home. I put it in the back of my mind to try to get a chance to hear this at home if I could. I forgot about it and just moved on.
A few months back while doing the Axpona show Brandon Lauer, from Wadax, starting talking about this to me. He suggested I try the products as he is a fan and an ex employee of Shunyata. He asked me if he could make a call to them and have them reach out. I said sure. I have worked a few shows with Brandon and I totally respect his ears and his set up talents. Some time passed and Grant called me and we set up a meeting in Munich. I meet with Richard and Will and we all agreed to get some gear into my hands to try this summer.
I did and started with the power products which I have written about before. They built some Altaira for me and this week it was Christmas / Hannukah in July.
So lets talk about this and what it does. I did hear some difference at RH's but to be totally honest the sound there with the Wilson was just ok and the result we got with the Gobels was good but no where close to what I have here. These of course are my opinions and mine alone.
So after all this boilerplate what the heck am I saying.
THe installation of these products makes everything better. The audiophile terms to me don't really apply. It's not just transparent.or more dynamic, or better soundstaging, or more depth, of fast. or etc. Its all of those things and more. I like the word more. You can hear more. You feel more. You are more involved. You enjoy it more. You want to listen more.
If there was a more control on your system it just got turned up. I have had some grounding products in my system before and they worked and were good, in fact very good but not like this.
If I had to compare it something that maybe some can relate too is its like the first time one listened to music stoned but without the ancillary side efects of getting the munchies or being paranoid :) Maybe thats a bridge to far but its a better comparision than some audiophile word salad.

More is good. I want more. I always want more and these products give more.
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so a few days have passed and this afternoon I was listening again. It is interesting that the path that I have traveled for the last couple of years has brought me to a place where more and more of the music I listen to sounds good or it sounds better. I mean by this that the "cleaning up" of all the micro noises that I was hearing but did not realize that they were not part of the recordings or that this wasn't part of the sound of the chain of equipment.
What do I mean by this? well we have for many years talked about digital signature or the sound of digital or just distortions of some kind but we really did not or could not distinguish between these sounds and the sounds we hear. The ability of my system to play the music "unburdend ( sorrry couldn't resist) with none of the electrical sounds and without the grounding sounds has taken me to a new place. A place of more . I like more its a place where the music is purer and there is more to listen to both in whats on the program and more programs as well. Many marginal recordings are now listenable and more are really enjoyable and of course more are just great. For me this is a wonderful thing and its a lot of fun as well. In these crazy times in our country and the world is is wonderful to be able to get away from the world and enjoy what I have worked so damn hard for.
I vote enthusiastically for more MUSIC!
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Sometimes when I listen I remember to play music that I only listen to occasionally. A lot of this music I love but for some reason I only listen to it when I am in a certain mood. I love Texas country /blues and there are three masters of this genre. I am not talking about the Blues but rather three amazing songwriters. So today I started with Guy Clark "the Guitar" from the best of the Dualtone years. This song is so spooky and cool with an amazing groove and pocket and some of the greatest lyrics I have ever heard. I love it. I followed that up with his running mate Rodney Crowell and the amazing album "the Houston Kid" playing such great cuts as Wandering Boy and Highway 17. I love Rodney and Guy they are such great master of the craft and write really wonderful and fun songs. I finished my session with Willie and one of my favorite albums of his Teatro where I suggest "annie" and My own Peculliar Way. These songs really move me and make me feel . They three are IMO truly masters of this genre and have written some wonderful treasures to be enjoyed. Relax sit back and fall into the pocket with these artists and these wonderful sounding recordings. The system is just killing it today and everyday for the last couple of weeks.
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THe installation of these products makes everything better. The audiophile terms to me don't really apply. It's not just transparent.or more dynamic, or better soundstaging, or more depth, of fast. or etc. Its all of those things and more. I like the word more. You can hear more. You feel more. You are more involved. You enjoy it more. You want to listen more.
If there was a more control on your system it just got turned up. I have had some grounding products in my system before and they worked and were good, in fact very good but not like this.
If I had to compare it something that maybe some can relate too is its like the first time one listened to music stoned but without the ancillary side efects of getting the munchies or being paranoid :) Maybe thats a bridge to far but its a better comparision than some audiophile word salad.

More is good. I want more. I always want more and these products give more.

This is also what I experienced when Grant showed me how to install the Altaira, albeit via two phone calls. The overused word "effortless" describes what happened. It's a breakthrough product in my humble opinion.

There are some "tips" or "tricks" that make the Altaira even better on a component by component bases. For instance, Grant discovered that attaching a ground wire to the chassis on Audio Research amplifiers is the most effective. Fortunately this is easy stuff and Shunyata had the installation advice.
So I recently received another product to try from Reiki Audio In the UK. I have tried a few switches in the past with various results. I installed the Reiki last Thursday afternoon along with thier ethernet cable from the switch to my server. It did some interesting things but I was not sold as the overall sound was better in some ways and not as good in others. I assumed or hoped that there would be some change with break in. I played in Friday and it was different but still not sounding like I wanted. There was some sharpness in the midrange and some other anonomlies that I did not like . It just was not as involving as before and to be honest I was not sure why . I left for the weekend and let in cook over the weekend. I was looking foward to listening on Monday to see if it changed. It certainly did. I turned the system on Monday morning and let it play. I had some work to attend to and finally got the opportunity to listen Monday after lunch.
WOW WOW WOW. The switch and power supply definetly broke in. The sound had changed. The micro and macro dynamics are much improved and they were great before. The midrange sharpness was gone and the system just was singing. The sound is another level of MORE. I brought a few listeners into the room and let them sit in and pick some music they were familiar with and everyone sat , listened and they all loved it. I think that this superswitch and power supply do a great job in cleaning/clearing/allowing the signal to be better so that the server can really do its thing. I have said before that you don't understand noise until it is removed. It seems there is more noise than we can understand and it is coming from multiple places. My journey to treat my power, grounding and now to address again the signal feeding my server from the ethernet has shown me that more is out there if you work to find it. These items are not silver bullets, they will allow you to hear more into the music and give a greater sense of involvement however this assumes that the gear behind it is properly setup and working at a very high level. I think many expect to plug something in and immediatley experience nirvana, presto chango the issues in the system will magically disappear. This is not that nor in my opinion any accessory nor most components but rather as the signal path improves it allows the system to reveal more. More is what I want and the Reiki in my system does that really well.
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Is this new switch improving both streaming and local files, or just one?
So I recently received another product to try from Reiki Audio In the UK. I have tried a few switches in the past with various results. I installed the Reiki last Thursday afternoon along with thier ethernet cable from the switch to my server. It did some interesting things but I was not sold as the overall sound was better in some ways and not as good in others. I assumed or hoped that there would be some change with break in. I played in Friday and it was different but still not sounding like I wanted. There was some sharpness in the midrange and some other anonomlies that I did not like . It just was not as involving as before and to be honest I was not sure why . I left for the weekend and let in cook over the weekend. I was looking foward to listening on Monday to see if it changed. It certainly did. I turned the system on Monday morning and let it play. I had some work to attend to and finally got the opportunity to listen Monday after lunch.
WOW WOW WOW. The switch and power supply definetly broke in. The sound had changed. The micro and macro dynamics are much improved and they were great before. The midrange sharpness was gone and the system just was singing. The sound is another level of MORE. I brought a few listeners into the room and let them sit in and pick some music they were familiar with and everyone sat , listened and they all loved it. I think that this superswitch and power supply do a great job in cleaning/clearing/allowing the signal to be better so that the server can really do its thing. I have said before that you don't understand noise until it is removed. It seems there is more noise than we can understand and it is coming from multiple places. My journey to treat my power, grounding and now to address again the signal feeding my server from the ethernet has shown me that more is out there if you work to find it. These items are not silver bullets, they will allow you to hear more into the music and give a greater sense of involvement however this assumes that the gear behind it is properly setup and working at a very high level. I think many expect to plug something in and immediatley experience nirvana, presto chango the issues in the system will magically disappear. This is not that nor in my opinion any accessory nor most components but rather as the signal path improves it allows the system to reveal more. More is what I want and the Reiki in my system does that really well.
they have quite a few models and options. Could you mention which one(s) you are using? Did you remove any other filters/switches once adding the Reiki. Thanks.
they have quite a few models and options. Could you mention which one(s) you are using? Did you remove any other filters/switches once adding the Reiki. Thanks.
Super switch pro with the Reiki Ethernet cable to my server.
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Today I had a visit from Grant Samuelson from Shunyata. I have decided or perhaps we have decided for Bending Wave to represent these excellent products. I have a lot of the gear in my system and it has changed my mind about power products and plugging my amps into a power device.
Today however I got to try the brand new Sigma power cords on my amps and the ALPHA power cord on my preamp. I thoroughly was blown away buy a demonstration of how they reduce and almost eliminate noise and even more blown away how great they were once put in my system. I am sure they will be even better in a day or so but I was thrilled this afternoon. These P/c's are 4000.00 retail. WOW!


Dear friends and business partners,

We at Shunyata Research are proud to announce the release of the ALPHA-X and SIGMA-X power cords. They demonstrate the most radical progression in power cord technology and performance since Shunyata Research’s humble beginnings in 1998. Once you are able to test and listen for yourself — you will understand what an extraordinary advance in performance these cables represent.

There are three definable technologies applied to X-Series power cord designs that distinguish them from all existing power cords:​

TAPc Transverse
Axial Polarizer

TAP (transverse axial polarizer) is a patent-pending technology that Shunyata Research developed to improve the performance of its reference signal cables. The TAPc enables a significant reduction in the size of the modules — and, for the first, time allows this technology to be applied to power cords.

The sonic benefits of the TAPc technology are profound and cannot be replicated by any competing product or technology.
NR3rd Generation
Noise Reduction Circuit

Perhaps no technology has been more thoroughly researched, measured and third-party tested than Shunyata Research’s power line noise reduction technology. The Gen-3 NR circuit, as used in the ALPHA-X and SIGMA-X power cords, improves upon the sonic performance of the prior generation.

Transient speed, transparency and purity are all significantly improved along with an improvement in micro-dynamics.

KPIPTM v2 Kinetic Phase Inversion Process
Shunyata Research’s update to its proprietary KPIPTM processor represents a significant improvement to a process that permanently preconditions cables and power distributors. It dramatically enhances the sonic performance of the cables to which it is applied and significantly shortens the break-in cycle. All cables, conductors, connectors and outlets undergo a multi-day conditioning process that is an integral aspect to the extraordinary performance of Shunyata Research products.​


X-Series Connectors​


Dropping the Hammer​

The ALPHA-X and SIGMA-X imbue the music with a greater sense of timing accuracy, dynamic contrast and dimensional impact. They impart an unmistakable sense of living presence and coherence to reproduced sound and imagery. The immediate sonic signature is apparent as an ineffable sense of quiet within the sound, along with an almost paradoxically startling punctuation of dynamic contrasts.

These are in my system and what I tried yesterday

Shunyata Research |​


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