The new Bending Wave Gobel Divin Noblesse Reference System

After spending the day with Grant from Shunyata yesterday I have a amuch greater understanding and appreciation for the part that noise plays in the audio chain. I have been talking with my personal journey and observations about getting more and more from my system, These changes are almost exclusively about the reduction of various types of noise that you don't know is there until it is not. This may sound strange but it is what I have experienced. The noise that from comes from everywhere that is above my pay grade as to knowing one from the other is crazy. Grant showed me with a tool the amount of noise on my electrical noise that you can hear very clearly when isolated and how thier products , specifically these Sigma -and Alpha X products just simply kill it. Its jaw dropping.These products when added to the power work I have done , along with the grounding from Altaira , have moved my results to a very different place. Its quit startling once experienced. I had a great sounding system before but I'm not in Kansas anymore now :) I am not saying that getting one of these will change your system into what it isnt only that the path to greater involvement truly runs through the noise that is present and is generated in your room, home and system
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Everytime I think I 'm out they pull me back in! LOL
This morning I had a thought and decided to run a ground wire from my Alataira component ground box to the Reiki switch and presto/changO the whole system got better again. Thsi noise stuff is incredible and kind of fun at the same time. I asked one of the guys that works here and is an audiophile to come in the ref room and I asked him to sit, he wanted to know what I did, I told him Im not telling him if or what I did and maybe its just a placebo LOL
I played a track I played yesterday and is one of my reference tracks, He stopped me 45 seconds in and saie WOW what did you do,
I like that kind of results!
Now I feel Joy!
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So all the changes I have made except for the SIgmaX and Alpha X power cords are settled in the system and its almost finished with the cable and grounding install. There is magic that ocurs here on a regular basis. I had a few guests in the last few days and its getting really annoying cleaning up all the drool LOL . Seriously I am amazed and in awe with this is doing. I've always been a set up guy and I have always wanted to take my systems as far as I possibly can but I do it in my own time frame. I am for sure not the fastest nor the most experienced with all the differetnn gear thats out there but I do know the gear I have and what I am looking to accomplish and this is it.
I have a few items that I ordered for the system that will arrive this coming month. These are the new power cords I tried from SHunyata and a couple of grounding cables I was missing to complete the whole system but I am very close, very very close.
Its really fun to see where audio has gone and how this time machine can take me anywhere I want.
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Elliot, the Altaira is indeed a special component. After hearing what it did with my Westminster amplifiers at Robert's place, I bought one for my reference system. My next move is to get the grounding unit for the front-end components. I'm glad to hear you're advancing things in sunny Florida!
Elliot, the Altaira is indeed a special component. After hearing what it did with my Westminster amplifiers at Robert's place, I bought one for my reference system. My next move is to get the grounding unit for the front-end components. I'm glad to hear you're advancing things in sunny Florida!
You should try the Typhon T30 on your amps and a T2/T30 and Denali on the rest of your gear. All of this with the new power cords X versions , which I tried and ordered for my system have made incredible differences in my thought process and of course in the end result of incredible sound. I have also grounded both the front and back of my system, including the switch from Reiki and my subwoofers. All of this is quite "ear" opening :)
These items exceeded my expectations and that doesnt happen very often!
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