Fransisco, just so I know to what you are referring when you describe a system as "more convincing", please give me an example of a couple current systems, digital I presume, which you find to be so, and some from the past that you think sound less convincing.
Well, the DCS Vivaldi in my system is an excellent example of more convincing for me. It is not as exuberant as the Metronome, but is an excellent balance of neutrality, dynamics and detail.
Unfortunately you are not listening to digital, otherwise I would suggest to listen to a few examples in Jordi Saval "La route de d'esclavage" or Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Virgine - La Petite Bande, Sigiswald Kuijken.
Micro details is an interesting area. I prefer resolution or information that is balanced and even and does not draw attention to itself. When I read "detail" I think "hifi". I hear it from many contemporary expensive systems. And often, fatigue comes with it in the high frequencies. The brain/body can not relax, but oh there is detail. I think of nuance and low level resolution like hall ambiance, string texture, hollow wood body, subtle placement and spatial relationships, and timbre all improving with resolution and increased information. Perhaps you call this detail.
Well, IMHO if some one reads "detail" and thinks "hifi" IMHO he needs new reading glasses or has been traumatized by exposition to poor quality sound quality ... Proper detail is essential to me.
No, I call "nuance and low level resolution like hall ambiance, string texture, hollow wood body, subtle placement and spatial relationships, and timbre" just "nuance and low level resolution like hall ambiance, string texture, hollow wood body, subtle placement and spatial relationships, and timbre", as you and others do. Detail and micro detail have been debated ad nauseum in magazines and forums, please do not ask me to define them!