As we do every year, we start a thread for everyone to list the favorites in the top 6 categories.
As an aside I fund all the buzz about Boyhood to be just that. It was just a so so story but filmed over 12 years in the life of this boy. Otherwise for me it was nothing more than just a story of 2 kids growing up in a single parent family
Overall I still feel the best movie I've seen this year was Whiplash. JK Simmons was superb in the role. Had he been nominated for best actor IMO he would have won in this category. Having said that I am going with the following as my predictions
Best Picture........Birdman
Best Director......Alejandro González Iñárritu, Birdman
Best Actor..........Michael Keaton, Birdman
Best Actress........ Julianne Moore, Still Alice
Best Supporting Actor...... JK Simmons, Whiplash
Best Supporting Actress....Patricia Arquette, Boyhood
Steve, impressive list of predictions. I am so glad that you did not get sucked up by the Boyhood craze. I was not particularly impressed with Patricia Arquette's performance as special. For me Felicity Jones did a better job in the supporting role. I felt that Redmayne did a much better job than Keaton and was my prediction for best actor. Julianne Moore in Still Alice was totally absorbing in her role, especially considering the unpleasantness of the topic. She was so good that she overshadowed some of the weak spots in the movie.
I agree that Whiplash was absolutely absorbing, although somewhat disturbing. It moved me more than anything else I saw in the past year, although I thought the Imitation Game was also wonderful as a total experience.
As I reflect on this post and many of my recent posts about audio, I see a clear trend in my life. I am much more about the total experience and its overall impact on me than focusing on some component. For me, the best movie is one that takes me away from reality for 2 hours without looking at my watch or drifting off in thought, and then returns me changed, hopefully for the better.
IMHO, great TV, like movies should take one away from their daily reality for whatever reasons. Unfortunately the Oscar show did not take me away because it was not a cohesive experience for me. It seemed to be a bunch of shorts poorly cobbled together because there was not a clear overarching theme. Unfortunately, for me, NPH was one of the biggest reasons for my lack of involvement in the show because so many of his comments seemed so forced and irrelevant, and one could easily feel his discomfort as he realized he was tanking.
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