Tone arms that doesn´t need a mounting hole

you´re closer to Cuba than me :cool:
when I was in Moscow, before the wall was torn down, I bought Montecristo´s there and they were unobtainum for the Russians, but dead cheap for me
If you are just going to double side tape it on the Reed tonearms will work. Reed make a stainless steel isolator that could be epoxied to your plinth. Then you can bolt the tonearm to that. Only issue would be the extra height.
I liked it a lot with Rowland Complement on the Garrard, but have not yet re-mounted it after I changed from Garrard to Melco
Am about to order a 50kg 4 arm tower ss plinth for the Melco
then the 505 will occupy one of the towers
an IKEDA IT407 on incoming tonight and a The Peak or The Groovemaster will take the 2 next and the last mount is reserved for my Airtangent Reference which I hope I´ll get back from repair/rebuild soon
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have space for a third arm on my slate 301 plinth, but there are only two armboards and I´m reluctant to drill a hole in the plinth itself
what other arms than Viv Laboratory and Dynavector can be placed directly on the plinth, without having to drill a hole in it?
up to 10" I guess
one of the intended carts will be Rowland Complement
btw there´s no shelf place outside the plinth for a separate pod either....
We also build custom tonearms according to customer requirements. If you tell us your wishes, we will be happy to make you an offer.
We also build custom tonearms according to customer requirements. If you tell us your wishes, we will be happy to make you an offer.
Your tonearms look quite interesting, Ralf. Looks like there's only a west coast distributor in the you know of any customers on the east coast (New York or Boston)? I'd love to figure out how to hear one!
Your tonearms look quite interesting, Ralf. Looks like there's only a west coast distributor in the you know of any customers on the east coast (New York or Boston)? I'd love to figure out how to hear one!
Right now Gary has an BM1 and a Lignum L for demonstration. We are now building two BM1s. One of them is going to the East Coast. Please contact Gary (gleeds in the forum) for more details.
Feel free to contact me for technical questions.
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