From the reviews and reports I've read about Magico Q1s, it seems to me that upgrading Peter's Mini IIs to Q-1s would have produced a bigger improvement than spending all that money on cables.
Jap, that is indeed a valid comment and one that has crossed my mind. However, I have not heard the Q1s yet and can not say how much better they are than the Mini 2. I have not spent all that money as I do not yet own the Transparent cables. I was just so impressed with how they sounded in my system, that I wrote the review. I enjoy writing when I have a topic that interests me. I continue to be surprised by how much difference a well-designed complete set of cables can make to a resolving system.
At the moment, I'm just in the process of trying out different cables as mine are quite old and are original to my system. I think they are currently the weakest link I have. The other aspect of all this is the notion that the information has to arrive intact to the speaker in the first place before it can be heard. I learned this when I upgraded my source which extracted much more musical information out of my record grooves. The Q1 may be better than the Mini 2, but with my current cables, that difference may not be fully appreciated.
I've thought about upgrading speakers instead, but as my system is in the non-dedicated living room of my small 1790's house, I must consider a compromise between ultimate fidelity and aesthetics. I do think the Mini 2 is a classically beautiful speaker which really sounds excellent, though it may not be the best small speaker available today. And I have designed and built my rack and amp stands to match the Mini 2. I also think if I change speakers eventually, it will be for a larger pair of Magicos, the Q3 or possibly a future Q2. I would like a slightly bigger speaker that is more efficient and offers a larger scale, though it may be difficult in my 16' X 15' X 7.5' room.
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