Triode Wire Labs at AXPONA 2023

Triode Pete

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2016
Long Island, NY
The Tres Hombres (BorderPatrol, Volti Audio & Triode Wire Labs) will be exhibiting at AXPONA once again in Room 686, April 14-16,


It will be an exceptional sonic revelation to be experienced! Quoting Jimi Hendrix, "Are you experienced?"

Libations, both room temperature & chilled to be served! ;)


Some feedback from Stereophile's Ken Micallef!

Volti Audio, Triode Wire Labs, Border Patrol, and Beethoven


I admit, I have my preferred rooms, my biases, at shows. Hey, I'm only human! One such joint is the Volti Audio, Border Patrol, Triode Wire Labs room commandeered, respectively, by Greg Roberts (right), Gary Dewes (left), and Triode Pete Grzybowski (center). I favorably reviewed one of Gary's SET Border Patrol amps, and use Greg and Pete's components in my system. So, when I hit their AXPONA room and saw a bust of Beethoven staring glumly at the rig, I asked "Who's the new guy?"


Greg responded, "I dreamt last night that a dude came in this very room and wounded me! (Greg took on an Oswald-shot-by-Ruby pose, grimacing in pain). I tackled the guy and knocked him out with Beethoven's head. It was all so vivid." Let's get physical!


The room included Greg's new Volti Audio Razz LEs ($6500/pair, specified sensitivity and impedance of 97dB and 6 ohms, footnote 1), which come in a variety of good-looking stains including Crimson Red, Deep Blue, Sage Green, and Drift Gray Oak. These speakers retained their neutral sounding mien, with deep, tight lows, transparent mids, and blue-sky reaching highs.


Gary Dewes' dual mono, 16Wpc, parallel-300B SET, Border Patrol S20EXD amplifier ($19,500–$22,290), which features all triode circuits, inter-stage driver transformers, no negative feedback, point-to-point hard wiring, a copper and wood chassis, and twin external tube-rectified, choke input filter power supplies powered the Voltis, and his 24/96-capable Border Patrol DAC SE-I ($1525–$1995) worked in tandem with Innuos equipment.

In my system, Triode Wire Labs interconnects are extremely transparent, add no flavor or color of their own, and work with everything. The AXPONA complement included Pete's The Obsession Power Cords ($1499 each), Digital American ($499 each), American Speaker cables ($699/pair), Spirit II analog interconnects ($399/pair), and Passion Digital USB cable ($399).

As practically two-thirds of this rig is in my home (Followup review on Volti Razz LE upcoming), I recognized the sound: natural, super dynamic, transparent, fast, and large of scale, with all styles of music. But guys, you added Beethoven to the room, how 'bout a turntable next time?

Thanks Ken!

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Some additional feedback from Douglas Moore from The Sound Advocate...


I would be amiss if I did not mention our friends over at Border Patrol, Volti Audio, and Triode Wire Labs as they had an excellent-sounding room today. Volti showed off their green translucent finish on the new Razz LE speakers being run but the Border Patrol S20 300B amplifier. The sound was smooth and had a load of detail and finesse. The Bass was strong and effortless and gave the sense that the speakers were not even breathing hard making their music.
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Some feedback from the The Sound Advocate...


I would be amiss if I did not mention our friends over at Border Patrol, Volti Audio, and Triode Wire Labs as they had an excellent-sounding room today. Volti showed off their green translucent finish on the new Razz LE speakers being run but the Border Patrol S20 300B amplifier. The sound was smooth and had a load of detail and finesse. The Bass was strong and effortless and gave the sense that the speakers were not even breathing hard making their music.

Thanks, Doug!

Some feedback from Publisher Scot Hull from Part Time Audiophile...

BorderPatrol, Triode, Volti | AXPONA 2023


If BorderPatrol Audio Electronics, Triode Wire Labs, and Volti Audio are perhaps better known as the Three Amigos. Or as I like to call them, the Three Musketeers. And that makes their usual fourth, Innuos, perhaps better known as Charles de Batz de Castelmore!


You know, D’Artagnan?


Read a book, people. Sheesh.

Words and Photos by Scot Hull


Here at AXPONA 2023, The Three Amigos brought their usual arsenal. The BorderPatrol S20EXD (from $19,500) stereo amplifier featuring a quartet of the brand-new Western Electric 300b tubes, configured as a parallel single-ended circuit for a surprisingly beefy 18 watts per channel. Surprising, that is, unless you’ve never heard it. For anyone listening to this very text-based elocution, you may know that the BorderPatrol is my favorite amplifier ever made. In a shameless bit of enthusiasm, this writer is compelled by FORCE to note that this BorderPatrol amplifier is accompanied by the legendary BorderPatrol DAC SE-i legend (starting at $1525) which we may have reviewed once or thrice. In case you were wondering, yes, this particular ye olde reviewer still thinks this digital converter is the berries. And yes, as everyone knows, berries are delicious.

Triode Wire Labs once again wove the web that held this particular sonic quilt together. Here we find the massive Obsession power cords (from $1499 each) with their fancy Furutech FI-50 NCF connectors; the Digital American power cords (from $499 each) have a special noise-reducing feature that I am not smart enough to understand; and the American Speaker Cables(from $699 per set) were fitted out with Cardas CAB bananas and the Spirit II (from $399) features OCC 7n copper. The Digital Interconnect (from $399) is a “Split Power & Data” USB cable — and is a personal reference.

And that brings me to the plucky fourth — Innuos. Here, the Amigos were using the ZENith music server paired with the Phoenix USB Reclocker.

But let me back up to Porthos, I mean, Volti Audio. In fine sartorial style, Volti Audio showed off the new Razz LE — Limited Edition — here sporting a swanky and altogether unexpected green. What struck me immediately was not that this was an automotive paint job, but rather a beautifully dyed veneer. So, still wood, but now in rainbow hues, and yes, you can get the Razz LE in Crimson Red, Deep Blue, Sage Green (shown), and Drift Gray, in addition to the “standard” Woody McWooderstein veneers.

The Razz LE ($6,500/pair) are and remain one of the best values in today’s high-end, and no, not because $6,500 isn’t a lot of cash, but rather how much high-end that $6,500 gets you. Which is a lot. It’s hard to find an easy-to-drive loudspeaker, much less one with a 97dB sensitivity. It plays loud AF and plays well doing it. Yes, the Rival gets you more, but it also costs twice as much. And yes, the Vittora gets you even more still, but that speaker costs several times more. The point — this is a relatively affordable on-ramp to a dynamic sonic wonderland, and well worth the listen.

As for me, this room with BorderPatrol, Triode Wire Labs, Volti Audio and Innuos treated me to a familiar round of audiophile goodness and the recognition that, once again, the Musketeers know their way around the standard challenges of hotel room demos. On offer this weekend was their usual romp — high-flying dynamics, bass thunderously on-demand, and a sweet-spot intimacy that “rivaled” demo rooms all across the Renaissance Schaumburg. Regular readers will know that I am a fan of this sound — and that I personally own much of this gear. There is a reason for that, and its experiences like this that sealed the deal for me many years ago. Unbiased? Ha. Hardly. I love this stuff! So much fun here! And that’s why the Three Musketeers remain my first and last and mid-show-break stops. You might say that this is my “reference sound”, and that this room provided a reality-break respite from the over-drawn and hyper-real demos down the hall, approaches that seem sadly popular these days. Instead, this was fun and something I’d do for fun. Good music, turned up, with foot tapping and even some head-banging. If only I had hair.

Anyway, fun to see the rainbow over in this room. Looking — and sounding — sharp. Again.






Thanks, Scot!


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