Triode Wire Labs Debuts 3 New Products At Capital Audiofest 2023

Triode Pete

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2016
Long Island, NY
Triode Wire Labs is debuting THREE new cable products at next month's Capital AudioFest,

Here's the NEW CABLE Line-up...

The new "Digital American II" power cord...

The new "Nine Plus" power cord...

The new "Eleven Plus" power cord...

All the above have NEW Advanced Geometries, Full Cryogenic Treatment and an Exclusive 2-Step Demagnetization Regimen!

Come thirsty for CAF Room 316 and gather round for a listen!


Nine Plus.jpgEleven Plus.jpgDigital American II.jpg
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My audio partner at CAF will be Gary Dews from BorderPatrol Audio Electronics. Gary is also the Importer of Living Voice loudspeakers from the UK. We'll be making the North American debut of Kevin Scott's latest creation, the R80 Loudspeaker System, as well!


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