Personally, I am not a fad of wading into potentially contentious disagreements regarding a hobby I enjoy because it relaxes me. We have witnessed the folly of disagreements that get out of hand (which had to be 'cleansed' by the Administrators) not 24 hours ago. 'Nuff said.
On the basis that we are all just looking for personal experiences, I summarize my own. I have been fortunate to try the Entreq Silver Tellus, Atlantis and 'regular' Apollo cables and Atlantis cables. I also have been fortunate last year to know a dealer who had the Troy SE setup for me to try. I also was fortunate to speak to good audio friends back then who had already had the benefit of listening/owning the Troy (Audiocrack for example).
In the end, I could easily have been happy with either. I liked both dealers. I have done business with both dealers. I bought the Troy for the following reasons:
- At the time, I knew one dealer better (Troy) and considered him both a true professional as well as a friend. That matters to me. Its about trust. His pricing was also fair.
- Additionally, in comparing the two I found that to approach the performance of the Troy SE, I did need more than what I had been given to audition (which already included Silver Tellus, Atlantis, 2 Apollos and 1 Atlantis). And with the Troy in a single box, a trusted dealer/friend and performance that seemed to work better with my system, I went for the Troy.
- Differences?
- I find the Troy even more clear and even more detailed. I did not think this was possible, but that was what occurred to me last year before I made my decision
- The 'quality' of the improvement is similar in described far better than I could by others on this post (incl Spirit and Audiocrack, Barry2013, Cat, and others)
- The area where I remain intrigued is that the Atlantis cable did 1 thing in a deep house track of mine that I have yet to hear with my Troy system. The Atlantis cable/Atlantis box took a series of deep propulsive beats at 3:19 in the track and somehow managed to 'organize' them in a way that when you play realize that the beat was meant to mimic when a DJ scratches on a turntable. It has NEVER sounded that way on my system before. Normally, its just a syncopated rhythm...but it is SO OBVIOUS with Atlantis, that I have decided to break a cardinal rule and try something...
...I am mixing 1-2 Atlantis cables to 'ground the signal' and leave the Tripoint Troy cables to 'ground the chassis' me, I have NO IDEA what I am talking about from a technical perspective...I only know what BOTH camps have told me. I also know that blending cables across connection to RCA vs Chassis screws muddies the presentation.
But I THINK that by adding 2 Atlantis cables (to be done next week) with my Troy...I MIGHT be able to get the clarity of the Troy...with the deep bass propulsion of the Atlantis cable. Troy and Troy cables will ground all the chassis...while Atlantis cables will connect Troy with the RCA inputs of the CJ and 'ground the signal'.
I suppose that makes me officially a fan of both camps!