(Tube) phono stage with multiple equalization curves

Hmm-- with John Curl now consulting with AMR there could be a cracker stage in the works soon--worth a listen then maybe?
Yes the FMs are wondrous super clean and detailed -but nothing that I've heard stumps the Mares Connoisser Phono--I even prefer it to the EMT.

Interesting on the Allnics--I've heard them excellent units--robust fullness and body , but tad syrupy for my taste -didn't dig the Shindos
either much after awhile the slightly slow "thick" presentation became obvious.

Enjoy your journey;)


That attribute with the Allnic is based on stock recti, that's why I stressed that the recti needs to be rolled.
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Thanks to all for your additional valuable input !

BruceD -
....consulting with AMR there could be a cracker stage in the works soon--worth a listen then maybe ?...
THIS is interesting news indeed :cool: - as a matter of fact, I was surprised to learn that AMR should stop their successful road on a “high-end Multi-Curve Phone Stage”. (They are also selling a somewhat budget-class “Ifi” Phono stage)

AMR are located in the UK and are "sort of close to home" - makes it attractive for me.

As to the choice of non-RIAA EQ-curves, below my impression with the Lab12 MELTO2.
Once you are seriously infected by the incurable "True Mono Bug", ;) other EQ-curves become an addiction….
(Below a lengthy thread, copied & translated from the German AAA-Forum)


PS: The NEW "multi -curve phono-stage " would / should replace my complete current phono-pre system in one unique device
Lab12 MELTO 2 - a “MONO –friendly” tube phono preamp
A few months ago I bought a mono (“microgroove”) cartridge ("True Mono Generator") and I found that a suitable phono preamplifier is required, so for some days now I've been using the Lab12 MELTO 2 tube phono preamp.

WHAT makes a "mono-friendly" phono pre? In my opinion, it needs:
- Different equalization characteristics (EQ curves): The MELTO has, in addition to the RIAA, Decca and Columbia as alternatives.
- It has a mono / stereo switch, e.g. for those who don’t have a true mono cartridge.

For more features and details, I like to refer to the homepage, with the technical specifications.

In short, the MELTO is equipped with:
- Three RCA phono inputs and two outputs, 1 x RCA and 1 x XLR.
- Various comprehensive customization options for fine tuning MC and MM pickups.

And everything can be adjusted via remote control - this is probably a novelty in this price range !

Before I go into the sonic advantages, I have to explain my initial situation.
All my stereo pickups are "Very Low Output" and have been chosen to work well with a step-up transformer (SUT) .This applies also my new mono cartridge from Ikeda. The SUT usually connects into my "big" MM tube RIAA stage. (I deliberately refrain from naming brands – suffice to say that both the SUT and MM stage individually cost more than the MELTO2 - so I couldn’t speak of a fair comparison anyway)

Back to the MELTO: I have actually listened to only “half of the device”, since I have retained the SUT and only used the MM input. And of the MM tube half, I was again only interested in the part, which concerns the mono playback with RIAA and the two alternative EQ curves.

(BTW: the MC part consists also of internal SUT’s, among other features)

The result is very good. It was clear to me - or at least that's what I hoped - that the DECCA or Columbia curves would have a positive effect with the matching mono LP records.

Nevertheless, the sound improvement baffled me. Also a - as I said unfair - comparison to my "big" RIAA stage was amazing. With the correct EQ curve, the MELTO placed a more pleasing sound in my living room than the "wrong" RIAA curve of the "big ones". Provided, of course that the Mono record was also cut accordingly.

Whereby, with a (mono) LP with normal RIAA equalization, my "big" MM-stage provided even more space, a deeper stage and more of this incredible "Euphonic Mono Magic".

(Ouch, here I must have caught the "Fake-News Button": MONO ? More space ?? Deeper stage ??? ... "Can’t be !" the mono-sceptics will immediately exclaim ... "works very well, and how ! " , hopefully Mono-supporters will help me ...)

In my opinion, the prerequisite is a (very) good MONO cartridge - and, as noted, a suitable phono stage.
My record collection includes several old stereo LPs, of which I am not sure if they were really cut to RIAA. Or whether they were simply "lousy mastered".

In both cases I had the possibility with the MELTO, either with Decca or Columbia equalization to tweak the frequency response a bit.

The “competitors”:
I confess that I do not know the market of "affordable" phono preamps with selectable EQ curves. Known only by name are: Graham Slee, MONK Audio, then there's ifi "micro iPhono2".
The MELTO is available for under 4000.- Euros; In this context, I would give the MELTO good value for money, with the restriction that I've only listened to half the device.
In my opinion, above this quality level, it will get much more expensive: The "Thöress" would possibly be in the realm of the financially possible; then come the Audio Research, and other, also pecuniary high-flyers, such as devices from TW-Acustic and AMR, not to speak from the ultra-high-end machines from EMT and FM-Acoustics, etc. these trade, as far as I’m informed, well over 10'000 or even 20'000 ?, Euros.

If you are looking for an affordable, versatile mono-compatible phono-pre, you should definitely listen to the MELTO.

And: for "lazy bums", such as me, the MELTO offers the benefit of a remote control !


There is the new tempo phono which is mono with selectable equalisation like the fm acoustics
if you buy two it’s able to do Stereo

it comes in a variety of forms from solid state power supply to valve separate rectifier power supply

its all tube with MC Sut s and up to 6 rcas
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Interesting. I see that the chart you showed lists 2 different "Decca" settings, one for UK LPs and the other for US. I'll have to keep that in mind as I do a deeper dive. Thanks Francisco.

The curves are more relevant to old originals especially monos, not to reissues. That said you might sometime still be able to hear a difference with the settings but that will just be some sort of EQ nothing to do with what the engineer's curve was. But yes use of EQ curves like Fremer mentioned is controversial and like anything in hifi is a good option to have but if you are not into originals and monos less useful
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Just found this model; reportedly also with Remote:
McIntosh MP-1100 Reference phono stage

Any comments / recommendations - or warnings...??

Further question: How would the "Mc" compare to say the Audio Research "ARC" Rev 2 or Ref 3 ? (except the steeper price tag for the ARC ?)

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Gold Note PH-10 - not tube but certainly one of the cheaper phono stages with curve choices.
I do have the Goldnote in my system, in its price range its probably the best available with three curves. It can be upgraded with a dedicated Power supply separate unit (absolutely recommended, less glare and more Dynamic with the separate PSU).
Thanks to all for your additional valuable input !

BruceD -
....consulting with AMR there could be a cracker stage in the works soon--worth a listen then maybe ?...
THIS is interesting news indeed :cool: - as a matter of fact, I was surprised to learn that AMR should stop their successful road on a “high-end Multi-Curve Phone Stage”. (They are also selling a somewhat budget-class “Ifi” Phono stage)

I spoke with John on the AMR hookup--he was adamant the ifi Phono has absolutely no input from him.
he will be solely involved in the Hi End Stages.

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Since just a few hours, a second hand AMR PH-77 Phono stage is installed in my system.

First of all, I'll have to learn and apply those many interesting options and functions, until everything is finely tuned
……there are some 20 odd EQ curves to choose from, among many other features ….;)


An insider source indicated, that any new TOTL AMR phono stage may still be a few months (or even years ?? ) away....hence I took the opportunity to get this well-kept used unit.
Congratulations to Kazutoshi Yamada. The Zanden 1200 mk3 phono stage was just awarded Phonostage of the Year in The Absolute Sound. I understand why. I would add that its synergy with my Soulution 725 preamp is superb, and provides a front end source that's more than the sum of its parts. I've have certainly made my share of bonehead audio gear purchases in my time. I'm so pleased to say this almost makes up for all of them!
(BTW, the Zanden 3000 mk2 preamp was also the tube Preamp of the Year)
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Zanden makes sweet gear. I think it is beautiful to look at. It’s a plus that it sounds so nice. Rolling tubes or staying stock?
I've communicated with Yamada-san who told me he voiced the unit with Dutch Amperex tubes. I've bought an extra premium set, as well as some extraordinary Siemens as well as Bascom King's preferred Tungrams. In addition I bought some GEs and Mullards (Yamada's preference) for the power supply. But everytime I turn the damn thing on, I simply forget about tube rolling and enjoy what I'm listening to. Now that's sayin' something, especially when you have a little OCD for this sort of small-tube, tube-rolling activity!
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The only tubes I didn’t like at all in my Zanden were expensive Telefunkens which sounded soft and boring. The stock sovtek were better but still average. Tungrams sounded pretty good overall and I could easily live with those, but my favorite were the Siemens. The regular Siemens 6922 are the tiniest bit aggressive sounding but the best bass. I finally just kept the Siemens CCA’s in despite the cost. Pretty magical overall, with great extension, resolution and holographic presentation. I also seemed to get a bunch more gain from the Siemens than the others (all were NOS). Not sure the actual gain differences but that was my subjective experience.
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The only tubes I didn’t like at all in my Zanden were expensive Telefunkens which sounded soft and boring. The stock sovtek were better but still average.
Did I understand you correctly you got your 1200 Mk3 with Sovtek(6922) tubes? If so that's strange since I and all other owners who I know have Jan Philips...
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I've communicated with Yamada-san who told me he voiced the unit with Dutch Amperex tubes. I've bought an extra premium set, as well as some extraordinary Siemens as well as Bascom King's preferred Tungrams. In addition I bought some GEs and Mullards (Yamada's preference) for the power supply.
That's interesting info Marty. I tried Mullad 6CA4 in the PS of 1200 Mk3 and it brought quite an improvement.
Mine came from the distributor with Sovtek, although I have an older 1000 (MM) and not a recent 1200. I'm also using the Mullard 6CA4.
Ah, model 1000 is a different story.
Also worth mentioning and a real alternative to current phono stages with variable EQ is the brand new mono phono stage MONOPHONIC -TRUE MONO-.

The Monophonic by Audiospecials, handmade in Germany, is probably the world's only genuine, purely single-channel phono stage. In other words, it is absolutely authentic like the legendary models of the fifties. All EQ curves of the world market are represented, 20 different ones only for vinyl from 1948 onwards. This is only possible because a very sophisticated circuit with infinitely variable equalisation is used. I have already put my jazz records all the way to the front again.
Well, there is a lot of dispute about playing the Decca LPs of the 60's using the Decca equalization.

View attachment 58720
so much confusion, If only the correct equalisation of mono records were easier to find out.
That's what I thought when I came first in contact with Highend Mono Records looking at the many different lists with the different labels.
My As Monophonic, with which I have been listening for two weeks now, has a clever solution for simplification and I can't get out of my amazement. I've attached an equalisation list for Mono-Vinyl 33RPM where you can easily see how to equalise mono Vinyl from the fifties.
For example, RIAA is 4.5 and 4.5. Set with two knobs and that's it. Fits perfectly and couldn't be simpler.


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