Guys, let's take the emotions down a notch . It is just a conversation and should not raise anyone's angst.
No kidding. Why do people feel they need to be insulting?
Guys, let's take the emotions down a notch . It is just a conversation and should not raise anyone's angst.
I made no comment of the efficacy or lack thereof of null testing, so your question in message #171 - "And why do you think a null test is not proof?" - is yet another example of you putting words in my mouth.
So if you don't use something like an Audio Precision to measure amplifiers and digital products, how can you be so sure that your measurements and null tests are good enough to characterize the performance of the devices under test? I'll ask again, Ethan, as perhaps you missed this question. What A/D converters do you use, what is their resolution/noisefloor performance, and what calibration have you performed of that hardware?
Ethan, I hope you take John's point to heart and that of others here who really want to achieve the highest performance.
Ethan, I think the historical record on increasing jitter awareness in transports is a matter of public record. There are posted Harley articles on the Stereophile website.
As for Nyquist, I think theory is fine for what it is but in practice there are issues in implementation. I've been able to play with all kinds of hirez and 16/44 recordings and there is not a small difference between the two although the gap has narrowed somewhat as CD playback has matured.
BTW, even if one wants and can afford the very best, $6,000 speaker wires and too-small bass traps and vinyl demagnetizers ad nauseum are still a total waste of money.
1. I used the same exact program you claim to use ... Sound Forge. These graphs are from spectral analysis/FFT plugin. Guess you either need to RTFM or stop claiming you use Sound Forge when you obviously don't know how to read the graphs or know what I'm talking about. Spectral analysis can give you lots more information than a normal FFT graph. The freq is on the left, the timeline goes across and the amplitude is in colors!!!
It is proof if you can null a digital signal against an analog signal. Doing a null against 2 digital signals proves nothing. It's already been digitized.
why did you need to add this little bon-bon to your post?
what does the cost of something have to do with anything?
'too-small bass traps? huh?
after you get picked on is this just a poke in the dark to deflect the flak?
When I do need to record I use an M-Audio Delta 66 sound card. Yes it's old, but it's clean enough for all but the most critical testing, as proven by the graphs below.
With all due respect, Ethan, your graphs don't prove anything. The noisefloors of your spectra are dominated by the effects of the FFT windowing, and I am surprised you don't realize that.