One of the best books I have read in the past few years finally comes to the big screen, directed by Angelina Jolie and produced by the Coen Brothers. Starts Dec 25
Glad you said that Mark because I loved the book and can't wait to see the film but it's getting far less than stellar reviews and Angeline has been overlooked completely so far in any nomination for Best a Director.
Glad you said that Mark because I loved the book and can't wait to see the film but it's getting far less than stellar reviews and Angeline has been overlooked completely so far in any nomination for Best a Director.
Well it's not a masterpiece...The Coen brother's screenplay is excellent and the visuals are stunning. The performances suffer a bit by comparison which is probably why enthusiasm for Jolie's directing is underwhelming. I'd give it an 8-8.5/10...
I haven't seen The Imitation Game, Whiplash or Theory of Everything yet; so the caveat probably should have been "best movie I've seen in a weak year"
After enjoying the book, one of the let downs of the movie is that it ended at the war's conclusion. Zamperini was psychologically broken after the war and the story of his redemption is at least as interesting as his wartime survival.
I agree but wouldn't you also agree that the ending of the movie was very inspirational watching him carry the olympic torch through the streets of Tokyo after he became an evangelist and forgave his captors. He met and shook hands with them all but the Bird who refused to meet with him