Upgrade from C52 MC452, stay or even switch brands… ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2023
… so here‘s me in a dilemma. I‘m actually a McIntosh Fanboy and i very much enjoy the sound I‘m getting from the C52 and especially the MC452… yes, I know, newer Macs or other brands are faster, have more resolution or play tighter… but I actually happen to just love that full, rich, warm and colorful sound I‘m getting… it’s just musical to me… on the other hand I have never experimented with alternatives… mainly because of the weight… not exactly like swapping CDPs… so here I am wondering if it’s worth leaving a perfectly pleasing sound and setup and exploring new domains that may or may not be better…

I‘ve been considering trying other Macs or maybe moving over to DartZeel (8550 mk II)…

… just looking out for opinions and other people’s ideas…


I primarily use the McIntosh brand for amplification but use also use my MC2102 amp with a Conrad-Johnson preamp and for tape playback I use a vintage ReVox B780 receiver. I'm all about tones/sound regarding music playback.

If I were looking for non-McIntosh brand of amplification for digital/analog playback it would be a all Audio Note setup including their top tier CD playback components, TT3 turntable, and their speakers.

For dedicated analog playback it would a all FM Acoustics setup with a appropriate world class turntable or analog plus digital: CH Precision amp/preamp, CDP/CD transport/DAC and appropriate turntable & speakers.

DarTZeel does not appeal to me at all in the way of musical playback.

I've looked at many brands over the years and have found the McIntosh brand to work best for me regarding amplifiers, not so much for preamps except the current McIntosh C22 MK IV tube preamp.

I'm always puzzled as why people switch out their amps and preamps unless they're unrepairable or couldn't afford to buy right the first time but that's just me.
My ReVox B780 receiver & B77 MKII tape deck are now 41 years old and my McIntosh MC2102 tube amp and MA6500 solid state integrated amp are now 18 years old. I purchased all of these brand new and have kept them up to date with regular maintenance. My CJ preamp is 14 years old and I purchased that brand new as well.

Take your time when auditioning new components and buy right the first time thereby avoiding the endless audiophile upgrade merry-go-round.

Just my opinions.
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I primarily use the McIntosh brand for amplification but use also use my MC2102 amp with a Conrad-Johnson preamp and for tape playback I use a vintage ReVox B780 receiver. I'm all about tones/sound regarding music playback.

If I were looking for non-McIntosh brand of amplification for digital/analog playback it would be a all Audio Note setup including their top tier CD playback components, TT3 turntable, and their speakers.

For dedicated analog playback it would a all FM Acoustics setup with a appropriate world class turntable or analog plus digital: CH Precision amp/preamp, CDP/CD transport/DAC and appropriate turntable & speakers.

DarTZeel does not appeal to me at all in the way of musical playback.

I've looked at many brands over the years and have found the McIntosh brand to work best for me regarding amplifiers, not so much for preamps except the current McIntosh C22 MK IV tube preamp.

I'm always puzzled as why people switch out their amps and preamps unless they're unrepairable or couldn't afford to buy right the first time but that's just me.
My ReVox B780 receiver & B77 MKII tape deck are now 41 years old and my McIntosh MC2102 tube amp and MA6500 solid state integrated amp are now 18 years old. I purchased all of these brand new and have kept them up to date with regular maintenance. My CJ preamp is 14 years old and I purchased that brand new as well.

Take your time when auditioning new components and buy right the first time thereby avoiding the endless audiophile upgrade merry-go-round.

Just my opinions.
… great to read - thanks… that’s just the point, I really like the sound I‘m getting from my Macs… so much, that I‘ve never felt the urge to try something new… so maybe I bought right the first time… so the question is, is it worth the hassle trying new stuff…
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… great to read - thanks… that’s just the point, I really like the sound I‘m getting from my Macs… so much, that I‘ve never felt the urge to try something new… so maybe I bought right the first time… so the question is, is it worth the hassle trying new stuff…
It doesn't cost anything to go to audio shops to check out what's new.

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