USB cable shootout: 8 cables tested

I've been using the FTA Calisto between my Lumin U1 and the Lampizator Golden Atlantic TRP without the 5V power. Considering you also have the Lampizator DAC, did all the cables you tested have the power disconnected?
I've been using the FTA Calisto between my Lumin U1 and the Lampizator Golden Atlantic TRP without the 5V power. Did all the cables you tested have the power disconnected?
Only the Emerald
Only the Emerald
I don't remember anymore but doesn't Lampizator require non-powered USB cable, or does it simply sound better with 5V disconnected?
I don't remember anymore but doesn't Lampizator require non-powered USB cable, or does it simply sound better with 5V disconnected?
Dunno about Lampi, but I didnt do a test with the same cable both with and without the 5v. My guess is it would depend on the DAC. Some dont work without the 5v
How long would it take to test 8 cables properly and reliably? My guess is a very long time, probably at least many months. All cables would have to be broken in first, no? Also, when a cable is unplugged the replacement cable would ideally have to undergo some readjustment period to account for having broken the delicate electrical/mechanical interface at the connectors. So, give the cables a week to readjust. That’s 2 months right there if you are testing 8 cables.

Then add another 8 months to allow for break in of all 8 cables. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “But you can get an idea what they sound like right out of the box.“

Next add the time required to test for cable directionality.
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How long would it take to test 8 cables properly and reliably? My guess is a very long time, probably at least many months. All cables would have to be broken in first, no? Also, when a cable is unplugged the replacement cable would ideally have to undergo some readjustment period to account for having broken the delicate electrical/mechanical interface at the connectors. So, give the cables a week to readjust. That’s 2 months right there if you are testing 8 cables.

Then add another 8 months to allow for break in of all 8 cables. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “But you can get an idea what they sound like right out of the box.“

Next add the time required to test for cable directionality.
Yep it was just over 2 months. Some were demo cables and so had been broken in when I got them. Directionality not a thing as they have different plugs at each end so they only go one way. I had a second system so when I was listening to one, I was breaking in cables on another
How does the A Q diamond stack up to some of these? Or is it at least a reasonably good cable?
How does the A Q diamond stack up to some of these? Or is it at least a reasonably good cable?
Not heard one, so cant comment
6000 or 3000 for a USB?
I'm baffled by the price of a USB cable,
Did anyone had a chance comparing Faber's USB cable to David Labgoa?


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