Versifi Audio SDFB Max’s


Jan 22, 2017
Washington, DC
As a consumer and user of Versifi Audio’s Swiss Digital Fusebox’s (SDFBs) I am a true believer in the technology and my modest system has been transformed to one of the best reproducers of music I and others have heard, no matter the price.

My life journey has taken me to a point where I no longer want to consistently upgrade or buy the lastest transcendent component to improve my system. Therefore, I’ve learned to live with my system and find reasonably priced tweaks to raise the level of my sound.

Tweaks are an area I have always experimented, whether it be component isolation, grounding, room treatments, and fuses to name a few. My experience with fuses namely Synergistic Research’s Orange, Purple and finally their Master fuses raised the bar of my sound quality. I thought these were it……Until….. I heard the impact of the Versifi Audio Swiss Digital Fuse Boxes on my components significantly raising the sound quality of my system providing greater clarity, inner details, transparency, precise imaging with a wider and deeper soundstage with layers, and better tonal balance.

Prior to last week, the only part of my system that could not reap the benefits of the SDFB’s were my mono-blocks, which have fuse values of 16 amps - higher than the max 10 amps that can be handled by the standard SDFB’s.

Several months ago I heard Mark, Peter and their team were working on a SDFB-MAX box that could provide fuse protection for any component over 10 amps to 30 amps. I definitely wanted the Max’s knowing it would elevate my systems sound quality to top tier.

After checking with Mark every 2-3 weeks for the last few months I finally heard what I hoped - DONE. I immediately acquired the SDFB-MAX’s for my mono-blocks and after cooking them for the last 7 days I can confess they are GAME CHANGERS. Improving and expanding on all of the qualities realized with the standard SDFB on my Preamps, DAC, and Server. The SDFB-Max’s seemed to open the faucet on my mono-blocks allowing for a more transparent, robust sound with greater detail and dynamics but with the liquidity and naturalness to what my mono-blocks are known. The Maxs definitely need 50 - 75 hours to let you know what they are capable of and at 150 - 200 hours they will transform your system. I can’t stop listening…..Job well done Versifi Audio

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