I understand this thread is about listening to in room systems. I also understand that some don't feel it's a meaningful comparison between a lowly YouTube file to a high-end vinyl (or digital) in room system recording.
And it's also been said here that using a digital YouTube file as any kind of reference is laughable, presumably, because it could never measure up to a recording of a good system recorded in room.
This, I have to disagree with and to me it's blatantly obvious in the samples recently posted of the Solti Beethoven 5th, 3rd movement that the YouTube file sounds a world better than any of the room vids of the same recording. If someone can produce an in-room vid to sound like the YouTube vid, I would infer they have an exceptional system and in particular, a great Room.
Before anyone (Carlos) pressures me to post a vid myself, I'll do so when I get a chance to upload it (technical roadblock). I'll say in all honesty the Tube file sounds a lot better than my in-room vid as well, but mine is more similar. No doubt some (Carlos) will find particular fault in that similarity. No problem, as my ego is not dependent on what wbf members think of my stereo!