Roman Bessnow on YouTube Videos for Evaluating High-End Audio Systems

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He states later you re a fool if you make any subjective or objective evaluations / opinions based on a vid .

Its fine what he thinks , he seems a bit dogmatic lol .
Isnt that the typical thing for " audio experts" peope who are "in the know "so to speak.
I only listened to the first few minutes of the video. Reminds me of watching a present day James Toney interview.
Again, you'll have to take your disagreement up with Roman.

What disagreement?

You brought this Romy gibberish here loudly claiming you fully agreed with what he said -- that people who use videos for evaluation are f*cking idiots.

What is your motivation for making this post? No one gives a **** *** about your agreement with Romy.

Sargent Schulz just trying to create conflict and then run away from it. We've seen this act before.

Here is part of the Romy transcript provided by Youtube, up to ~12:27 out of ~20 minutes . Breaking into paragraphs is entirely arbitrary as there is no punctuation in the transcript.

the subject of today video would be very

beneficial I feel for uh quite many of you people a subject would be how properly audition really serious high-end audio equipment through YouTube how to make objective judgment and how to make it absolutely certain evaluation of the quality of sound you heard as I usually do I need to start from very far there was a gentleman I believe Mr Armstrong I don't remember he was Edward or edin whatever a gentleman who invented FM uh frequency modulation so when he invented to make like a first experiment somewhere like in the beginning of the 30ies I believe

I think that he was a negotiation with the arer around like a don't exactly remember but along with a frequency modulation Mr Armstrong he discover and he's trying to prove the frequency modulation is more important than am modulation which produced like a VI bandd and many different advantages FM he come up with own unique evaluation system how to absolutely objectively regardless of the V kind modulation what kind quality can assess quality of the

sound but uh creating 15 W and constants line together that when you pronounce this uh

and receive it on another side then you can very objectively say everything you want to be Express about quality of sound I very much would like uh to suggest to use exactly the same

techniques how you evaluate audio equipment over YouTube and uh here I have uh the text

when I wrote the sequence I would like you to write it down so please go take a pen and pencil and you will be shocked how good it is I'm going to I'll give you a few minutes you need to penel and P are you ready well uh if you are ready then uh you are uh among all colloquialisms that

I might use I would suggest I would attach colloquialism with your f*cking idiots if you

do because there is no such invent mention from Armstrong and there is absolutely no way to make any objective of subjective of approximate judgment about performance of the playback over YouTube reader and I'm going to explain why and I'm going to explain a little bit more

on the subject but guys it is not only possible the fact that you even tried to make this judgment is indication that something severely I would say it mentally or psych psychologically but

something uh very corrupted in your objective and understanding what is high audio is all about please listen to my video somewhere don't know how to do I'm not Ed not listen my videos uh find my video what is sent audio read it uh anyhow uh the statement that I would like to make it is unnecessary it is impossible and all your attempts to make a judgment or even record the sound of your playback uh are completely not only fruitless from a technical from a listening perspective but actually the serious um Corruptions of your reference points and understanding what you're doing oh well it was a good beginning right um so um I did listen a number of the people who recorded uh sound of playback uh different level people um om mature professionals uh and I recognize that there is two level of efforts first level of efforts when it's done by like a like a small like amure morons like me myself uh when they have a phone and they record good phone bad phone I'm not even willing to engage in a discussion Apple versus drone anything

Android I'm sorry versus anything else it's irrelevant uh uh with those devices it's impossible to record any sound in uh high level quality and there is another group of the people who use really

serious recording equipment I'm sorry I just uh went to get water use very serious recording

equipment and good recording techniques and microphones position and exactly position where it should be in a Time align position I don't have these techniques and there are some people who

claim as they do um zero result is better but it's still zero result it is just better recording techniques and better equipment but also it has absolutely nothing to do with um this characterization of equipment which is being presented and and Playback installation which is

being presented uh there are certain technical recording technical recording when you

can can record and focus on a specific aspect of this which has like auditable expressionism uh this stuff is completely possible I'm not questioning but to make a judgment how amplifier or

loud speaker or anything else performed based upon recording it's completely bogus idea please get live don't do it I know that there are some people and actually I'm familiar with them Ian was

able to I I would not say talk but rather be was able to ask questions those people and try to figure out in which level of understanding what hind a is when I had options to talk to them and ask them questions and they told me how they developed different techniques how to listen um things what to pay attention what not to pay attention and iise as they just more on I'm sorry it was too kind of primitive not really serious so a few I pretty much finished this my video is done

there is nothing else to talk there is few interesting aspects though that you might consider um you can make not good audio recording but you can make uh less problematic recording of plag B plag bake installation if you really high quality recording equipment uh if you have only one

topology if you have properly set up uh direct radiator drivers and I don't know the answer

answer for this maybe people who are familiar with recording techniques I'm not I'm completely not I I have actually two very good microphones and I capable to record something but I never can of make this efforts I never can of consider it serious but what is very interesting what I observe everywhere that any another topology uh which is used outside of uh direct radiator drivers produce not even bad result but this completely completely demise its own topology it it's very interesting if you have like a pretend to have a regular phone once we're not talking about he regular phon they have a dynamic compensations compressions I'm sorry it means when it sound loud they compress everything it's like a horrible device right but when you like I put it in

front like electrostat uh I'm not big fan of electrostatics speakers but there is a certain kind of benefits and interest certain things in the topology which actually they do well like something

that doesn't over wait for my perspective shortcomings but there is a certain things which is positive this positive would not exist whatever is supposed to be positive going to be get

versen in recording in a regular form if you have um like a ribbon twits they actually sound like very much reborn twitters I have no idea why if you have God forbid horn loaded

loudspeakers no matter how many videos I ever seen when horn loaded installation was recorded included mine Pur I have a very good micr one very good microphone another technical microphone which is very good and I was trying to understand why recording of the hongk recording of the horn produce H uh my playback system when you listen there is no h when I recorded would it be phone my phone or good microphones or everything else and produce very unpleasant H nothing wrong with honk if it's exist in original music but it produced very ugly

horn honk I did not vend deep I just make like a cup experience when I got surprised I say h strange and then I begin to listen kind of sound recorded on the playback uh so the YouTube I've

seen like everywhere hung and it's not kind of good hung it's bad hung and it is in spite of the fact that it is a very very highly possible that in a normal uh if you present in Listening Room this H does not exist I have no idea why horns do it uh if you have um those 57 those panels

uh 63 57 quads and all the stuff uh it's interesting we know that they have issue with dynamic range and we know that when you record the sound they have a dynamic range maybe like a 15 dbel or something like this like in not just dynamically not even recognizable even when I listen

them in real time they they they have a certain life in them so my point is if you have any I'm not talking about omn speakers which you sound kind of completely bogus …


and on and on

why would anyone draw attention to this?
Saying that Roman's patently broad rejection of videos is based on dynamic compression is misleading. You can't wriggle off that hook.
There are a few more people like that, you can find them on your acoustically coupled thread. Please start a thread with each of them in the subject agreeing with you.

I will start one a thread with “Aucremann agrees with me on videos being a good tool to evaluate systems”
Thank yo
Roman Bessnow on “How to listen High-End Audio results over YouTube”

The subject would be how properly audition really serious high-end audio equipment through YouTube. How to make objective judgment and how to make it absolutely certain evaluation of the quality of sound you hear.

If you are ready [to take notes on my checklist on how to use YouTube videos for evaluation] then you are among all colloquialisms that I might use I would suggest I would attach colloquialism that you are a f*#king idiot if you do.

There is absolutely no way to make any objective or subjective of approximate judgment about performance of the playback over YouTube video. . . . The fact that you even try to make this judgment is indication that something severely I would say mentally or psychologically but something very corrupted in your objective and understanding of what is high-end audio is all about.

I have found an important topic on which I agree fully with Roman!
Thank you Ron for sharing
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Do you think it’s possible both of you agree because videos from both your systems do not sound good enough?
Kedar, why you like off-topic?

Please share your idea about what Romy said.
Who is Romy the Cat?

I my opinion Roman bessnow is very very smart. Romy spend over 3600 hours just for speaker amplifier design. Before judging his ideas you should read his website to realize how deep is his audio experience. I do not say you should agree him or disagree him, I just say his experiences come from a long and deep audio activity/journey.

When I find Romy the Cat?
I never met him but I find his website when I listened to the speakers in perfect position (year 2009) and start to search about my experience on the web and the only website wrote about DPOLS was goodsoundclub.

I respect Romy and like his audio thinking, he is a real expert audiophile.
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He's passionate, like many of us are, and I find his videos mildly entertaining. As for his blog posts, they are interesting - food for thought - but how much can be applied? I read his post about digital vs. analog, where he claims that resampling is the culprit, so audiophiles never experience digital as it should be. Ok, why not, but so what? Concerning the room's acoustics and his dead point theory about speaker placement, from what I understand, you may stumble upon it by chance, and if not, keep looking. So what good is that?
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Who is Romy the Cat?

I my opinion Roman bessnow is very very smart. Romy spend over 3600 hours just for speaker amplifier design. Before judging his ideas you should read his website to realize how deep is his audio experience. I do not say you should agree him or disagree him, I just say his experiences come from a long and deep audio activity/journey.

When I find Romy the Cat?
I never met him but I find his website when I listened to the speakers in perfect position (year 2009) and start to search about my experience on the web and the only website wrote about DPOLS was goodsoundclub.

I respect Romy and like his audio thinking, he is a real expert audiophile.
I don’t doubt that he might have something worthwhile to say, but his communication skills are so poor, it’s just not worth the effort.

The lighting and background sound of the rain is nice though.

He should just smoke his cigar and speak in his native language. We could then imagine what he might be saying and it would likely be more profound.
He's passionate, like many of us are, and I find his videos mildly entertaining. As for his blog posts, they are interesting - food for thought - but how much can be applied? I read his post about digital vs. analog, where he claims that resampling is the culprit, so audiophiles never experience digital as it should be.

Do you have a link to the resampling post? A quick Google search wasn't particularly successful.
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