Wadax in the UK

Very interesting reading...I think the question many of us will seek to read over time is how the Studio Player compares to the Atlantis Reference. On occasion there are times when the integrated or the stereo is preferred by some listeners. The monos are more powerful, more delineated...but somehow the sweetness of the integrated and its overall balance is preferred by some listeners.

So in the same way, naturally, it would interesting to hear how listeners compare the 2 playback systems.
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Hiya SP. I sampled it briefly here before it went off for a number of home demonstrations so a few bullet points. A full article will follow soon:

1. Punching far above its price sonically, especially given that it contains hardware for CD/SACD/Streaming.

2. BOLD, definite, very much leaves the system and inhabits the ROOM.

3. Has all the WADAX strengths .... richness and fabulous harmonics and tonality, soundstaging, 3d, vividty, natural with no sense of fakery or augmentation.

4. Impendance tuning is very is powerful.

Amongst the sorts of customers I have and attract, I can't envisage anyone not being incredibly impressed with it and basically falling for the sound. We have completed two home demos so far, both customers (with pre-existing dCS Rossini and Vitus SCD digital) were bowled over and loved it.

Notes from my co-worker who conducted the home demos:

"precise, detailed, clear, transparent, great sound-staging, dimensional, a beautiful realistic sound."

Thank’s to Richard and the Lotus team I believe I may have been the first to home demo the Studio Player in the UK

I wholeheartedly agree with the comments above, the Studio Player was only in my set up for 4 hours, but it left a real impression and it was difficult to go back to listening to my Vitus SCD- player, which in my view is excellent in it’s own right.

4 hours really wasn’t sufficient to really evaluate this wonderful component, as we did however do a little tinkering with the settings, both the selected output voltage and impedance level had an impact on presentation, however the essential sonic character remained in tact, again I refer you to Richard’s (Lotus) comments above.

Unfortunately in my case this particular silver lining has a cloud, I have an extreme visual impairment, hence when it comes to choosing components often functionality has to trump sonics, for a sighted person the Studio Player’s controls are well presented and intuitive, unfortunately for myself touch screens are problematic, hence after some contemplation I reluctantly came to the conclusion that the Studio Player did not functionally meet my specialised needs.

Thank’s to everyone at Lotus HiFi for giving me the opportunity to listen to this wonderful component.

Incidentally their is a silver lining to my particular cloud, Richard from Lotus has helped to guide me toward components that better suit my particular situation, I'm impatiently looking forward to hearing them. :)

I b
Thank you for your answer.

Are you talking about energy?

Impedance tuning using it as preamp?
or tuning it to match with external preamp?

It seems it sounds amazing from mids to highs.
Has it enough foundation bass gives to be really musical?

King Regards.
Semantics ... but yes I suppose it could mean energy depending on what you mean by energy :) The way is presents is definite and authoritative. It's a big sound, it's not shy. But then not forward/aggressive and it does fine delicacy too.

I am not sure what you mean by your last point. There is a lot of transparency and resolve in the bass and it is not a lean wiry sound. The response seems very linear and neutral to me as it should be with a compnent of this calibre.
Very interesting reading...I think the question many of us will seek to read over time is how the Studio Player compares to the Atlantis Reference. On occasion there are times when the integrated or the stereo is preferred by some listeners. The monos are more powerful, more delineated...but somehow the sweetness of the integrated and its overall balance is preferred by some listeners.

So in the same way, naturally, it would interesting to hear how listeners compare the 2 playback systems.
The entry level small power amp tale has much truth to it and it is an interesting theory to postulate but in all honestly, if the two were the same price, I don't think anyone would walk out with the Studio over the Reference. There is much commonality of course especially in the overall aims of invisbility and neutrality but at a fraction of the price of even just Level 1 Reference, you would expect a performance drop and indeed there is one. Less of a drop probably than you might expect at the pricing of course because the Studio is obviously heavily overperforming at £37,500.
Thank you for your answer.

Are you talking about energy?

Impedance tuning using it as preamp?
or tuning it to match with external preamp?

It seems it sounds amazing from mids to highs.
Has it enough foundation bass gives to be really musical?

King Regards.

I’m the UK distributor for Wadax so please accept that I am biased and have skin in this game so to speak… I can however offer a few comments based on having spent a good week or so listening to Studio Player prior to it going to Lotus. I also had the privilege of hosting the full Level 4 Atlantis Reference in my system for a couple of months earlier this year.

Studio Player is 100% Wadax meaning if you are familiar with the Atlantis Reference you will recognise its sound (or lack of).

Bass is certainly a strength of the Wadax, but it’s difficult to single this out since it does so many things amazingly well. Timing, leading edge of notes, timbre, room filling music even at low volumes… the music has great flow and propulsion and the soundstage is big and wide. Imaging is very precise. The presentation is bold yet delicate when required. Instruments sound incredibly realistic and voices are holographic.

The ability to fine tune the output impedance means that you can make adjustments for all partnering equipment (and personal tastes) whether using Studio Player as a preamp or digital source. It’s a really powerful tool.
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I’m the UK distributor for Wadax so please accept that I am biased and have skin in this game so to speak… I can however offer a few comments based on having spent a good week or so listening to Studio Player prior to it going to Lotus. I also had the privilege of hosting the full Level 4 Atlantis Reference in my system for a couple of months earlier this year.

Studio Player is 100% Wadax meaning if you are familiar with the Atlantis Reference you will recognise its sound (or lack of).

Bass is certainly a strength of the Wadax, but it’s difficult to single this out since it does so many things amazingly well. Timing, leading edge of notes, timbre, room filling music even at low volumes… the music has great flow and propulsion and the soundstage is big and wide. Imaging is very precise. The presentation is bold yet delicate when required. Instruments sound incredibly realistic and voices are holographic.

The ability to fine tune the output impedance means that you can make adjustments for all partnering equipment (and personal tastes) whether using Studio Player as a preamp or digital source. It’s a really powerful tool.
Hi Guillame.

Firts of all, congratulations for you Wadax distribution. I'm sure success times are coming to your partnership.
Thank you for your comments.
I have an Atlantis (no reference) DAC and Server, so i'm very familiar with Wadax sound.
Your explanation is interesting. I don't think Studio has to be compared vs Ref line. It has to be evaluate by its own as you did.

I'm sad about @Rich J comments.
From my experience, both Voltaje and impedance are special for each system. When you find right level you'll never change them.
I'm sure Lotus can match this levels by your taste and you only have to forget about it.
I run my Wadax Dac always with 1V output without needed to change it from the beginning six years ago.

For CD Transport, it should have a remote control with physical buttons. So @Rich J , i wouldn´t refuse Studio Player if you really like it.

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Hi Guillame.

Firts of all, congratulations for you Wadax distribution. I'm sure success times are coming to your partnership.
Thank you for your comments.
I have an Atlantis (no reference) DAC and Server, so i'm very familiar with Wadax sound.
Your explanation is interesting. I don't think Studio has to be compared vs Ref line. It has to be evaluate by its own as you did.

I'm sad about @Rich J comments.
From my experience, both Voltaje and impedance are special for each system. When you find right level you'll never change them.
I'm sure Lotus can match this levels by your taste and you only have to forget about it.
I run my Wadax Dac always with 1V output without needed to change it from the beginning six years ago.

For CD Transport, it should have a remote control with physical buttons. So @Rich J , i wouldn´t refuse Studio Player if you really like it.

I will comment here, not on the output voltage/impedance issue, but on your comments regarding CD Playback and the remote control.

As a visually impaired person tactility is extremely important, to some degree my fingers become my eyes, whilst the Studio's remote control is perfectly functional, it's not particularly tactile, however there are work arounds and this was not a deal breaker, touch screens are a different matter, I accept that once set up CD playback could have been performed via the remote control, However I come back to the point of using my fingers to locate and identify objects, the touch screen is located directly above the disc drawer, hence I could not envisage being able to not come into contact with the highly sensitive touch screen and accidentally altering settings. when changing discs, this actually happened during my demo, I even tried wearing a pair of jewellers gloves and the screen still reacted to my touch..

Had the Studio Player been equipped with a top loading disc mechanism, or had the location of disc drawer and screen not been in such close proximity, I would have had no hesitation in purchasing it.
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