Watched thread dropped from Watched list


Nov 16, 2013
Somewhere around two or three years ago, the Lampizator Valve / Tube Rolling Review thread disappeared from my Watched (threads) list. At the same time, I quit receiving notifications from it. The thread itself has continued to show an "Unwatch" button on the upper right, meaning that the system sees it as Watched for me. However, no matter what I do to get it back on the list, it never arrives. Perhaps those efforts a couple of months ago did lead to me receiving notifications when a post mentions my name or responds to a post of mine, but not about other posts. I've not had a problem with any other thread like this, and I have over a page of Watched threads. Is there someone who can help? I've written the Admin about this at least four times over the period, but never received a response or a fix. Thanks,
when I click "watch" at the top a screen opens that says ""Watch this thread and receive email notifications" as well as "watch this thread without receiving email notifications". My guess is you have clicked "watch this thread without receiving email notifications
Steve, Are you familiar with the Watched list tab (Ron wasn’t)? The first issue is that the thread was dropped from my Watched list, even though at the thread itself it shows as watched.. One can't control what's received or not unless the thread is on the list.

(btw, off topic, I’m in the process of obtaining a Tele 2004 mesh for a GG 2/3. Your distinction between listening to details vs. warmth and musicality is one I’ve made many times, sometimes to criticism. Each of our hearing and experience with music being different, for some the details are what turns them on.)
Have you tried to click "unwatch" this thread , clear your cache and reboot then click watch this thread and receive email notifications"

Over the course of two or three years, my cache in Opera browser has been cleared occasionally. However, if it was a cache issue, the thread would appear in the list with other lesser used browsers that have never visited the site. Plus, why only one thread among many Watched?
Still a disconnect here. What you are referring to requires the thread to show on the Watched list. It doesn’t, even though at the thread itself — reached manually — the Watch/Unwatch button on the upper right shows Unwatch. That means the system sees the thread as Watched but for some reason isn’t including it on my list. Unless there’s a “Hide” a thread option for the list, and I’m not seeing one, it would seem that there’s a weird glitch somewhere, and I’ve run into it.
I’ve had to bookmark it separately. Ron suggested I post here to catch the attention of the IT guy.

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