Unter der Leitung von Seiji Ozawa spielt das Saito Kinen Orchestra Beethovens Siebte Symphonie. Das Konzert wurde auf dem Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival im Jahr 2016 aufgezeichnet. Das Festival wurde 1992 von dem japanischen Dirigenten ins Leben gerufen.
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I heard Ozawa conduct the Asterism by Takemitsu with Takahashi as pianist, with the San Francisco Symphony. It was before Ozawa became music director of the SFS, so probably in 1969 or early 1970. It was quite memorable, mostly because Ozawa and Takahashi had to stop somewhere in the middle of the piece, when someone (or maybe both) got lost or disconnected. Ozawa went over to the piano with the score and they were in discussion about where they were for what seemed to be a long time (probably a minute or less). Then the piece restarted. I think this is the only time that I ever saw or heard something like this happen in my 60+ years of concert going. The piece itself was way out of my experience listening (especially with Joseph Krips being the music director of the San Francisco Symphony.)
I saw in wiki that the piece had been commissioned by Ozawa and was composed in 1969, so this probably was one of the earliest performances.