Lots of distortion entering the room, and consequently creating gross
The distortion is so bad that it is extremely painful...not Peter's best video presentation that's for sure. It sounded like his mic was choking on some barb wire around the jail's court yard.
...Razor sharp cutting and splitting my ear canals into smithereens. ...Like bleeding small pieces of broken mirrors falling on the cement floor.
Frank, audio is about sound right? Those youtube videos are not about sound, they are about visual promotional audio dealer's products.
If they want to sell audio quality sound the'd better use professional microphones in those youtube videos; put the energy where it counts the most.
This is all futile; cell phones, even video cams won't cut it. Peter's videos...some are great sounding ones, but I highly doubt that he's using a state-of-the-art mic.
And only in some he is sitting in the sweet spot without moving.
Mike's earlier video...he's constantly moving and present in the room for just couple minutes @ most. ...And with a Nexus 6 android.
Those are not the best illusions. ...They are not fair, and are not representative of reality; they are inferior 'mickey mouse' on the go
They're just fun to look @.
I trust the people's ears who frequently frequented many dedicated high-end rooms, and not hotel's rooms used for audio shows.
And those from the younger sets of ears. ...After 40 I am cautious.
We are missing so much of the good attributes in this audio hobby; and the accent is always a financial one...nobody is taking the time and interest in investing in a good microphone and in bringing some acoustic panels for their room demo, only the exception. That tells us all we need to know about the direction of this audio business.
It is sad because it doesn't take much effort to improve this great hobby for all the young generations. Instead they'll all fall down in our own footsteps of confusion and extravaganza and distortion from over the top false claimed exaggerations. And that's not the same playfield for everyone but only the ones @ the very top of this perfect audio ladder vision.
In that sense it is a private club, for the high heeled ones. I'm 100% fine with that; but forget youtube videos. We're all after being lost in the music, and I'd rather get lost @ home in my own believable illusions. But what's cool with those videos is that sometimes we discover new music we love.
You remember those top organ videos we posted in the past? How can they represent "being there"? ...And videos of full orchestras in some of the best world's concert halls///
* John started this thread, the first original post. And he quoted you too in that first original post; it's good to go back and reread it...I did few times myself already...to keep me in check, on the edge of sharpness. :b ?