Again, our problems are the excessive claims of Frank and his style. The mp3 recording system works in such cases as a filter cutting information and adding some distortion. But perhaps it allows information enough to flow for some specific purposes. It is something that has some resemblance with the LIAR (listening in another room) test we discussed before.
It is not a new subject. Several decades ago, long before the too short instantaneous replies and the liberal use of red emoticons, people wrote about the use of mono tape recordings of the playback of the stereo reproduction to access loudspeakers - listeners were sent tapes to listen and express their preference. Unfortunately, as most valuable audio research carried between the 50s and the 90's it not "googleable" and I can not remember exactly where I read it, I do not have references on it. Probably Revue du Son or Wireless World, two magazines with a very open mind.