This echoes my feelings exactly. Most of us are subjectivists in this hobby but the extreme nature to which Frank has presented his arguments IMO are no where near the truth nor do I believe that in the absence of all explanation of the Laws of Physics the argument left boils down to ASA. I think if that were the case why would anyone have a different system if all we needed to do is tell ourselves that our mind is filling in the blanks and the hell with the laws of physics.
I rarely take sides in any of these debates but this one has stirred a spot inside me and I believe that rebuttal by me to express my position is necessary. IMO DaveC and Frantz reflect my feelings exactly
On the brighter side the fact that we are discussing this cordially also IMO pays big dividends and thanks to every one for that
" are no where near the truth nor do I believe that in the absence of all explanation of the Laws of Physics the argument left boils down to ASA."
LOL! You dare to claim you know the truth? By claiming that Frank is no where near the truth you are implying that you have some idea where it is.
The laws of physics?? Praytell you give us a clue on what laws of physics you think he is violating.
Let's be clear: I know measurements, I make measurements as part of my profession and my measurements are always tied to the generation of specifications. But if those specifications have no meaning to the quality or performance of what I am measuring then they are useless bits of information. Data is nothing without interpretation and that interpretation is very complicated when it comes to predicting how a HUMAN will respond based on that data.
Do you have any idea how much distortion your system generates? Do you have any idea of what order and level that distortion is and how this affects things psychoacoustically? Have you tried to apply Shorter's equation on the measured data for your equipment or better yet Cheevers T.A.D score for a given SPL level? For sure these numbers won't tell you HOW it sounds in subjective terms but it will tell you if something is more or less likely to be more natural sounding to a human listener.
Now, I haven't heard your gear but given that you use Lamm electronics I know that Vladimir Lamm has taken some of the guesswork out of it by using his own hearing models (or so he claims at least...it is at least a clever marketing tool). The measurements I have seen in Stereophile and elsewhere support this at least for the ML2 and ML3 models. IMO, push/pull need not apply as it is far off the desired pattern by design. A friend has the LAMM M1.1 and I personally don't think these sound all that great...KR ate them for breakfast.
Now, I haven't heard your system and you haven't heard mine and I guess we would both pick each other's apart; however, I don't agree with you bandying words like "laws of Physics" around when most gear and speakers have no consideration for how human hearing really works. It is why so much of this hobby is hit and miss. Most gear misses by a country mile and the ones that are close are therefore something special.
Do I think Frank can tweak up fundamentally flawed designs and get realism?? No, I don't think he can. Can he use youtube videos to evaluate the relative merit of two different systems when recorded with the same equipment?? Yes, I think he can because I can hear what he is hearing there. These are two different topics that are getting conflated together in this thread because of knee-jerk reactions.