Peter,Jim, how does that old Trio system compare to what you now have in terms of musical/emotional engagement? I've always wanted to hear a well set up AG trio.
It's been a bit over 20 years since that system was set-up. I tend to go along with Bob's description - especially the alive part.
And especially with those all-time fav Viva Aurora set amps.
Not sure I could make an accurate comparison with my RoomPlay Reference demos here, since the majority of visitors here do say it is/was their best listening experience ever.
And not long after that setup at Bob's was our demo of the TRIOs & BASSHORNs at the 2003 San Francisco Stereophile show when - after EVERY demo for three days - the entire audience (30-40 listeners) stood up and applauded.
Robert Harley and Srajan Ebaen separately covered it for their mags and still mention it occasionally, and honestly speaking, I never heard such an emotional reaction to a demo before that show, nor after....
Musical Engagement exemplified!!!