Hello still-one,
Thank you for your feedback but I think that you really overlooked the essence of my comments. Of course, we all attempt - within our means and constraints - to optimise our listening pleasure by various methods, both substantial and necessary as well as psycho-acoustic. My article made no inferences to the opposite; in fact, it did not touch on these at all.
As for the comment that you found ''somewhat insulting'', please place it in its COMPLETE context by reading the sentence that follows. If you still find it deprecatory ( insulting ) then it is also self-deprecating because I referred to all the passionate audiophiles, including myself!
The agitation that is sensed in your response is really not justified. If anything, the ethos of my comments was good-spirited with the intention of soothing our ''insanity".
Cheers, Kostas.
Don't worry, Kostas, I did not find that comment insulting, and I neither record nor play an instrument.
I did find your comments on the CLX speakers a bit navel-gazing, but that's o.k. Not that I am not guilty of this myself at times.