I am however mostly to blame for the duration of this fiasco. I didn’t open the box for months. The lesson is to check immediately for any damage, even if you don’t intend to use it for a while. I’m glad that box i sent to you with the remarkable Tedeska cartridge wasn’t a victim of the same blithe transport that my B77 went through!This is a major problem, particularly in the USA. These 'drops' can come from being pushed out of trucks and off of conveyor belts as a 'punishment' for the parcel being heavy. I've had similar situations.
i love love love the B77, from its overall form-factor to the quality of its construction to Revox aesthetic. I’m excited to hear the results of the transition from 3.75/7.5 to 7.5/15, and board with both iec and nab equalization switched from the front panel. I have 2 extra head blocks (both NOS) and i’m thinking hard about doing a head-out conversion for use of an optimized pre. But first i need to hear it working….a few months to go, i think.