what's best sounding speaker you have ever heard?

Passive speaker audiophysic medea, the manger sounds great housing ( panzerholz)m73229659469_1.jpg
Active Geithain Rl 901k with two 14k subs amazing bass
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Regarding Horns , i have heard some promising sound in Munchen .
For example the VIVA horn system , but to make that a coherent system for classical / vocals , i d assume it would need a lot of measuring and finetuning when placed in a particular room
i always liked this system.
I also remember very well when in 1982 i listened in Paris ML system with 6 ML2

Was shocking,when entered in the room they were playing La Folia De La Espana,Gregorio Paniagua,i remember also now,fantastic.

What do you have in the middle of 2 Quad? Electrostatic tweeter RTR?
It's not my system yes a old ACR electrostatic tweeter sounds great.

P.S you 're right i ask him rtr tweeter..sorry
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i always liked this system.
I also remember very well when in 1982 i listened in Paris ML system with 6 ML2

Was shocking,when entered in the room they were playing La Folia De La Espana,Gregorio Paniagua,i remember also now,fantastic.

What do you have in the middle of 2 Quad? Electrostatic tweeter RTR?
You 're right i asked him sorry I thought it was the acr tweeters.28176ca05ea55592f78cf1cc90155161.jpg
The best systems are suited to play the best records. So it starts with having the best performances on the best pressings then the system is designed to play those pressings.
The best systems are suited to play the best records. So it starts with having the best performances on the best pressings then the system is designed to play those pressings.
No there not. One doesn't need the best recordings of the best performances to create a system. Who tells us what those are you?
I dont have one record so my system can't be good?
Where does one come up with this hokum?
No there not. One doesn't need the best recordings of the best performances to create a system. Who tells us what those are you?
I dont have one record so my system can't be good?
Where does one come up with this hokum?

we don’t have to agree. I can understand if you have only one audiophile record. If you have a digital only system that is fine that is your goal. But it won’t compete with the best records
we don’t have to agree. I can understand if you have only one audiophile record. If you have a digital only system that is fine that is your goal. But it won’t compete with the best records
we don't agree and your one man survey doesn't dismiss the opinions of others nor make your statement a fact.
In fact your statement has nothing at all to do with building a system. It is strictly your opinion nothing more nothing less.
we don't agree and your one man survey doesn't dismiss the opinions of others nor make your statement a fact.
In fact your statement is nonsense and has nothing at all to do with building a system. It is strictly your opinion nothing more nothing less.

I've been told you don't even have a system

sad to see someone selling such costly equipment lack music and pressings knowledge
sad to see someone selling such costly equipment lack music and pressings knowledge
another assumption that you are making with no facts. You know nothing about me or my knowledge. One doesn't need a few old records to be an expert Sir. BTW way this thread is about the best speakers not about analog versus digital or solid state versus tubes, the continuation of the same old dogma to cover up for the lack of facts. Its sad that you are stuck in the same old same old and can't see anything else.
Ah crap. Here we go again. Just what the forum needs- another pissing contest. ENOUGH!!!:mad:

Ked, I wouldn't be so quick to condemn Elliot on his music knowledge. Have you heard his playlists? They're mighty impressive in SQ and breadth. Who cares if he doesn't play records. He knows and loves music, period. So he sells equipment. BFD. Your bias for LPs is well known . No need to trivialize someone's love of music because they prefer a digital source. Elliot can also walk into a hotel he's never been in before and make music sound pretty damned good in the opinion of many professional "experts". That's not a trivial skill. Have some respect please.

Elliot, Ked probably attends more live music than anyone else on the forum. I don't give a rat's ass what he plays at home (even if its with himself), he damn well knows music too. Have some respect please. For goodness sake, both of you have so much knowledge to share about music that it's sad to see this constant bickering about gear get in the way. Can we move on, puhleeze?
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Ah crap. Here we go again. Just what the forum needs- another pissing contest. Stop it!

Ked, I wouldn't be so quick to condemn Elliot on his music knowledge. Have you heard his playlists? They're mighty impressive in SQ and breadth. Who cares if he doesn't play records. He knows and loves music, period. So he sells equipment. BFD. Your bias for LPs is well known . No need to trivialize someone's love of music because they prefer a digital source. Elliot can walk into a hotel he's never been in before and make music sound pretty damned good in the opinion of many professional "experts". That's not a trivial skill.

Elliot, Ked probably attends more live music than anyone else on the forum. I don't give a rat's ass what he plays at home (even if its with himself), he damn well knows music too. For goodness sake, both of you have so much knowledge to share about music that it's sad to see this constant bickering about gear get in the way. Can we move on please?

I didn’t start it Marty. I expressed an opinion how the best system should be created. Elliott got personal.
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Western Electric Mirrophonic Sound System.
Yet another example of high efficiency and how good they sound.
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Western Electric Mirrophonic Sound System.
Yet another example of high efficiency and how good they sound.

it was brilliant at Munich, I think 2016.
I didn’t start it Marty. I expressed an opinion how the best system should be created. Elliott got personal.
He tried the same passive then aggressive dealer defence mechanism on me a little while back, In light of the recent membership blowback against dealers posting comments in defence of their business perspective on this forum its comments are somewhat remarkable!
I think one of the things about audio that is not accomplished is that so many never get the opportunity to hear what is actually possible in High End Audio. I know people won't like what I am about to say but it is true. The best sound possible is not nor has it ever been at audio shows.
One cannot in a few hours in a hotel room accomplish what can be done in a dedicated well built and treated room, with all the important factors being addressed. Sorry guys this is fact.
Probably jinxing it, but the seller is countering our offer on 4.7 acres. If we get it, I will probably go with a hybrid room setup. A living type room. But one that is thoughtful in materials and design to help a system play well. I fully believe the room is required in taking it to the next level. Without it, you can hear the "voice" of a speaker or system, but I don't think you can fully appreciate its capabilities until it has the space to develop the sound.

I don't think you can say you really know what a speaker can do, as in, is it the best you have heard, until its in a tuned room.

FWIW, Rhapsody Bob in Portland has a beautiful room.

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