Extra: Time measurement
Say average life's expectancy is 85 years.
Say you are 40-years old; you have
16,425 days left.
Say you are 60-years old; you have
9,125 days left.
Say you are 65-years old; you have
7,300 days only left.
A baby born and by the time he/she reaches 20, 7,300 days would have expired.
We all know how fast children grow.
We all know how fast a day goes by.
We all know that there are not enough hours in a day, from morning to evening.
We spend the third of our life sleeping. We spend time driving, lawn mowing, repairing broken things, etc.
In our mind we are not immortal, in physics we are even less.
That's one way we can measure time. There is simply not enough time in our life.
How can we expand time? One way is to take it, take our time (enjoying listening to music for example, hiking, travelling, film watching, ...),
another is to give it, some of our most precious one to the next ones after us, by sharing it with loved ones and everyone else who see the value in time.
...Pass it along wisely to the next generations, our best time.